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January 08, 2010
Brain-In-A-Bag Friday
Hey, check it out, it's FiAF!
It's after noon EST, which means most of you have already completed at least one hour of wretched productivity this morning.
Listen my sweetling puddinheads, it's Friday.
After your break, flop your brain into your empty lunchbag, shove it under your desk, and enjoy the serenity of an empty skull and several hours of sweet, paid you-time.
ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. » A New Mexico family is suing two funeral homes over a gruesome incident in which members unwittingly accepted a bag containing a relative's brain and only became aware of it by the odor a day later.
Funeral homes in New Mexico and Utah, where the woman died, are blaming each other for the mistake. Both have been named in the lawsuit.
"This is just a sad tragedy," plaintiffs attorney Richard Valle said Wednesday. "This almost feels like something you'd read about in a Stephen King book."
Really? No wonder the family is pissed!
But I read the rest of the article, and never saw where the brain takes over a sleepy small town in Maine and turns the inhabitants into sunken-eyed brainthralls.
That part will probably come out in court.
Have a wonderful weekend, peeps, and try to do something fun. Life is too short to be so serious all the time, even when things seem bad.
Know what I mean? Like, if we're all going to Hell in a schoolbus, I'd postulate that the best person to be is the dip that starts warbling "Nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall...."

posted by Laura. at
12:35 PM
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