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Top Headlines
Pitch Meeting: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
He spends a lot of time on the powerful magical artifact in the movie: the Inflatable Raft of Gravity Mastery
Wizards of the Coast has ended all racism. Huzzah! Orcs are no longer stand-ins for blacks. Wait, they had been? Well, that's what the woke left says. So Hasbro, the enlightened progressive corporation, has made it official: Orcs are not black.
They're Mexican. Problem solved!
WTF, dude. What the everloving eff. Via Clownfish.
Douglas Murray absolutely merks paid Hamas propagandist (and former MSNBC host) Mehdi Hassan at the Munk debate on antisemitism and the "anti-Zionism" it's usually disguised as
One style point deducted from Douglas Murray because he is very mean on a personal level, but two points rewarded because Mehdi Hassan deserves it so much
Murray brings up Pakistan, a state "created" about the same time as Israel, and notes that if someone said "I think the state of Pakistan should be abolished, and I don't believe Pakistanis have the right to their own state," we would not believe them when they then added, "Of course, I have nothing against the Pakistani people myself..."
Cheap Fake? Guess what? The term was pre-programmed in Feb 2023:
.... @SonofHas
"Cheap fake" was coined by Joan Donovan
Donovan is that "misinformation expert" who got fired by Harvard last year
..... Posted by: weft-cut loop

America, the home of the "free," where the state-funded psyops never, ever end
"F*** you, Bill O'Reilly:" Dan Bongino calls out Bill O'Reilly as a grifter and a "cancer" in our movement. Language warning, of course.
Thanks to Bertram Cabot, Jr.
The claims that the fences erected around the Supreme Court indicated a pro-Trump ruling on the way are false; the video of the fences was from the Roe v. Wade decision in 2022
AP article here. Not that I trust AP, mind you.
Legendary actor Donald Sutherland is dead at age 88
I always like seeing him in anything.
Update: The Lesbian Space Witches' "the power of one, the power of two, the power of man-y" chant has become one of the biggest mockery-memes on the internet. Chris Gore has a very off-color interpretation.
JT, are you around? Hi! People miss you. Drop in and say hello, why don't ya?
Celebrate Juneteenth!
[Hat Tip: dhmosquito] [CBD]
Loss Of A Legend: Baseball Great Willie Mays Dies At 93-Years-Old Mays is certainly in the top five greatest baseball players of all time, and it is a defensible argument to suggest that he was the greatest! RIP.
US Appeals Court Allows Gas Pipeline Expansion in Northeast I don't care whether we need the capacity. But it irritates the whining Karens and watermelons in my old stomping grounds, and that is just awesome! [CBD]
The 2nd best Star Trek film, Galaxy Quest, is free on YouTube right now.
CJN podcast 1400 copy.jpg
Joe Mannix joins us to discuss the geopolitical and financial implications of the end of the Petrodollar Pact, the continuing saga of Joe Biden's galloping senility and who is really running our government, Is Jew-Hate special, or just part of the left's playbook, and unionize at your peril if you have no power!
Controversy brewing over abrupt closure of 3 OCF Coffee House shops in Philly There's no controversy. They wanted to unionize. The owner said, "See Ya!" [CBD]
Recent Comments
Bruce: ""findings about two significant issues with the St ..."

Skip: "G'Day everyone ..."

Pixy Misa: "[i]GRM (He in no way deserves the second R) gets o ..."

But I'm Sure George Made Bank: "I've read and enjoyed the Song of Ice and Fire boo ..."

[i]Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM)[/b][/i][/s][/u]: " F'dallah predicts that when the ISS is retired a ..."

[i]Krebs v Carnot: Epic Battle of the Cycling Stars (TM)[/b][/i][/s][/u]: "[i] Whalefall[/i] is to be the next James Bond mo ..."

Aetius451AD Work Laptop: "A Game of Thrones - and while it is is skillfully ..."

Pixy Misa: "Morning all. ..."

olddog in mo: "Pixy's nood. ..."

olddog in mo: "Morning, 'rons and 'ettes. Evening, Pixy. ..."

Ciampino - Fri Update #47: "Posted by: PabloD at June 21, 2024 10:45 PM (UBvum ..."

Quint: "375, I hear what you’re saying and I know op ..."

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