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July 19, 2022
Quick Hits
Former Obama chief economic advisor Larry Summers: the Fed lost its way in 2021, focusing on "social justice and the environment" instead of inflation and the economy.
Larry Summers, who served as treasury secretary under President Bill Clinton, has said the Federal Reserve failed to anticipate current inflation levels and that price increases can only be arrested by "dislocation" of the economy.
"Frankly, I think in 2021, our central bank lost its way," Summers said in a July 15 interview with Bloomberg's "Wall Street Week," adding that central bankers were more concerned about the environment and social justice than about inflation, which they "confidently dismissed" as transitory.
"Our central bank let us down quite badly, and as a consequence, they find themselves in a very, very difficult position, not least because they don't have the credibility that they once enjoyed, given their repeated poor forecasting record," Summers said.
The problem with the Fed is not something "that's been fully fixed," he added. Summers pointed to the Fed's prediction that unemployment will only rise to 4.1 percent even as inflation comes completely down, something which he called "highly implausible."
In an interview with CNN on July 13, Summers predicted inflation to be lower in 2023 compared to 2022, with the yearly decline continuing in 2024. However, he does not believe it's "going to be easy" to bring inflation back to levels that Americans have been accustomed to in recent decades. This would necessitate a "quite significant dislocation in the economy."
An inspired troll has marked a place he calls "Brandon Falls" in Delaware, the place where Brandon fell off his bike.
In Italian, "non-binary" is either "non-binario" or "non-binaria". Meaning it's either feminine or masculine, like most words in Latin languages.
The Latin world will be shielded from gender neutral propaganda.
I noted that they made up "non-binary" pronouns in French, which were something like "iel" and "ielle." Which are blended mutants of "il" (he) and "elle" (she).
The problem is, both of those "non-binary" pronouns are in fact grammatically binary: "iel" is masculine and "ielle" is feminine.
What the hell are we doing? This is stupid. We are changing the foundations of language and society to better fit reality to the hallucinations of bitter schizophrenics.
Why is Fox News, supposedly a "conservative" news network, referring to a male transgender (I will no longer say "transwoman," which is false, it's a male who claims to be "transgender") criminal who has gotten two women in prison pregnant by female pronouns?
The answer is what it always is: Because Fox News is a liberal media organization like the rest of them, which just has a few hours of conservative hosts per day, which it ghettoizes as "opinion" programming, unlike the very objective "news" reporting its leftwing "news" division pushes.
As Katie Pavlich said (and many others are saying): the pain is the point. They are doing this on purpose, and their media allies are covering up for them, because they know the public will revolt if they understand this is all according to Davos Plan.
After getting backlash from the Religion of Tolerance (TM) (not to be confused with the similarly poorly named Religion of Peace (TM)), Macy Gray decides that you can just slap on some aftermarket parts and become a woman after all.
Being a woman is just a "vibe," it turns out.