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July 19, 2022
Busty Fake "Journalist" Katy Tur: Could It Be That I'm Just Not Very Good at My Fake Job?
Gallup finds that trust in the media is at an all-time low. People saying they have "quite a lot" of trust in newspapers is down to 16%; people with "quite a lot" of trust in television "news" is down to 11%.
Busty Fake "Journalist" Katy Turn wonders: "The trust in media, in newspapers and television, is hitting an all time low. People don't trust us. They don't believe us, and it makes me wonder if this job --as I'm currently doing it-- is effective, but if it's doing more harm than good."
I'd say more harm than good, sugart*ts.
Noted Partisan Moron and almost certain sexual assault victim hush-money payer Don LeMon helps illustrate why no one trusts the media. At the same time the media loudly declares they are nonpartisan and take no sides, Don LeMon declares that Republicans must be treated as a "danger to society" and that the media cannot "coddle" them by treating them the same as Democrats.
And this is not some fringe opinion. Half of all "journalists" declare this opinion; the other half subscribe to it silently. You will find no "journalists" arguing against it -- they either champion the position or they pretend the position does not exist.
You will find no "journalists" calling out the Don LeMon types declaring that "journalists" must not be objective because objectivity is "too dangerous" to indulge.
Appearing on CNN's New Day Thursday morning, Don Lemon once again urged the media to hold Republicans to a different standard than Democrats in their media coverage.
The primetime host tied the GOP to the threat of "growing extremism" on the right. He warned journalists to not give a "false equivalence" to both sides, and instead acknowledge Republicans were endangering America.
"We sit around and we talk about these things and we want to give this false equivalence to Democrats and Republicans. That is not where we are right now. Republicans are doing something that is very dangerous to our society and we have to acknowledge that. We have to acknowledge that as Americans, we must acknowledge that as journalists because if we don't, we are not doing our jobs," Lemon declared.
A Pew survey of nearly 12,000 journalists found that a majority of journalists, 55%, reject the idea that both sides "always deserve equal coverage."
Lemon was referring to Republicans who continue to support former President Trump after the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol, as well as the recent Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade.
"They have to answer for those questions if they come here on CNN, they must answer for that. If they go on MSNBC, they must answer for that. If they go on ABC, they must answer for that. And they cannot expect to be coddled when they go on to a news organization or if they step in front of a crowd of supporters or voters or Americans."
He made a similar plea in June, saying, "we cannot pretend as journalists" that both sides are "equal."
This is a position which is frequently announced by members of the media, but no one in the media argues against it.
Chuck Todd does not take the contrary position.
You do not hear Anderson Cooper holding a roundtable discussing this idea of "the end of objectivity," with guests who argue against it.
You do not have anyone who even acknowledges this position exists -- except if they're openly championing it.
If they're not championing it, as I said, they're just pretending it doesn't exist.
They're either on Team We Can't Pretend to Be Objective Any Longer, or they're on Team We're Going to Pretend To Be Objective While Silently, Deviously Agreeing We Cannot Be Objective Any Longer.
There is no third position of "We're Actually Going to Be Objective."