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July 23, 2022
Ace of Spades Pet Thread, July 23
Courtesy Misanthropic Humanitarian.
Welcome to this weekly respite from most of the outside "civilized" world -- the Ace of Spades Pet Thread.
Thanks for stopping by. Sniff out your best treats, kick back and enjoy the world of animals.
Reminder: For current events and politics, the Thread before the Gardening Thread (a couple of threads below) is almost always an Open Thread.
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Meet The PetMorons
Howdy folks,
I make it a point to catch the Pet Thread weekly, and thought I would share our furpeeps with you folks.
Here for you viewing are Louie and Fenris, sisters from a litter at a farm south of us here at Chateau Loki. Affectionately referred to as Smiley and Needlenose by me.
Also, our Maine Coon mix, Timber, chillin' on the front walk. Enjoy.
That pair o' dogs looks like they were meant to be together. And the kitty looks relaxed!
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Ghost almost always gets down after we turn out the lights unless there are fireworks or a thunderstorm. But she always makes it to the bed first for a turn down service.
Another spoiled PetMoron!
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My oldest sons new kitten. She's about 3 months. Still doesn't have a name yet. I was thinking Shitty because of her circumstances. She was a stray at the city animal resource center. They let us take her home the same day on the promise to bring her back on Wednesday to get spayed. So into a box she goes for the transport/ride home. About 1 minute into the ride we hear scratching. Then my son says I think she pooped. So he looks in the box and she has had an enormous bowel incident and is now covered in the not good stinky stuff. So I pull over and I tell my son to grab her by the scruff and we wipe her down the best we can with wet wipes. I tell son he's just going to have to suck it up and hold the fecal feline home. He swears she lost a pound there was so much poop. We get home and she goes straight into a bath and is now clean and no longer stinky. She was skittish and would hide for the first day, not sure why.
lin-duh... totally NOT a cat lady!!!
Well, that is a darling kitty, considering that you are not a cat lady!
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Edison has appeared a few times on the Pet Thread in the past. He is a Shih-Pom rescue, 11 years old, and apparently interested in watching interviews of golf celebrities like Bryson DeChambeau, no doubt well aware of the controversies surrounding the PGA over the new LIV tour. Besides watching golf, he also appreciates neighborhood walks, peanut butter bones and sleeping on every available surface in our home and on our lanai.
Debra T.
Edison needs a scheduler with all those activities, doesn't he?
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Love those PetMorons! Thank you for sharing your pets with us. We have some left for next week.
NOTE: Someone with no apparent nic sent in a photo of a couple of nice dogs with no apparent names to MisHum. Would you like to clear up your identity just a little?
If you would like to send pet and/or animal stories, links, etc. for the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, the address is:
petmorons at protonmail dot com
Remember to include the nic or name by which you wish to be known at AoSHQ, or let us know if you want to remain a lurker.
Until next Saturday, have a great week!
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If you start feeling nostalgic, here a link to last week's Pet Thread, the Ace of Spades Pet Thread, July 16. Re-decorating by and for pets, a special sorta creepy kitty (not her, or his, fault) and beautiful PetMorons including a new mom with pups!
I closed the comments on this post so you wouldn't get banned for commenting on a week-old post, but don't try it anyway.