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July 01, 2022
The Morning Report — 7/1/22
Good morning, kids. The Fourth of July weekend is here and, the "Remain in Mexico" cave notwithstanding (and it's a serious one as you can see in the links), President Trump's reshaped Supreme Court landed another serious body blow to the feral bureaucracy, and next to the IRS, the most dangerous anti-freedom, anti-prosperity tool in the leftist arsenal: the EPA.
Maybe it’s not as big a decision in the public mind as the SCOTUS decisions this term on Abortion and the 2nd Amendment. But it’s a big one, bigly and big league.
The United States Supreme Court, in a majority Opinion by Chief Justice Roberts, just ripped the heart out of the Green New Deal agenda which was being carried forward not by act of Congress, but by administrative fiat through the Environmental Protection Agency. Not being able to pass legislation to decarbonize the economy, Democrats relied on agency action.
The case is West Virginia v. EPA (Docket) where the Questions Presented were:
In 42 U.S.C. § 7411(d), an ancillary provision of the Clean Air Act, did Congress constitutionally authorize the Environmental Protection Agency to issue significant rules including those capable of reshaping the nation’s electricity grids and unilaterally decarbonizing virtually any sector of the economy-without any limits on what the agency can require so long as it considers cost, nonair impacts, and energy requirements?
That sounds dry, but it’s a big ****ing deal, as Politico noted it goes even beyond regulating carbon emissions and goes to the heart of the ever-expanding administrative state, How SCOTUS’ upcoming climate ruling could defang Washington:
The Supreme Court is expected to issue a ruling this month hobbling the Biden administration’s efforts to rein in greenhouse gases — but its impact could weaken Washington’s power to oversee wide swaths of American life well beyond climate change.
The upcoming decision on the Environmental Protection Agency’s climate oversight offers the conservative justices an opportunity to undermine federal regulations on a host of issues, from drug pricing and financial regulations to net neutrality. Critics of the EPA have clamored for the high court to do just that, by declaring it unlawful for federal agencies to make “major” decisions without clear authorization from Congress.
. . . From the majority Opinion:
Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible “solution to the crisis of the day.” New York v. United States, 505 U. S. 144, 187 (1992). But it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme in Section 111(d). A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body. The judgment of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is reversed, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.
What a fitting end to the term.
Understatement of the year from friend of the blog and legal eagle William Jacobson. And that majority opinion was from John Roberts. John freakin' Roberts. Go figure. Considering he fairly reeks of Swamp gas, insofar as a career as Chief Justice doing all he can to preserve, protect and defend the absolute power of the DC status quo, it wouldn't have surprised me in the least if he had voted the other way. His assertion that "Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible 'solution to the crisis of the day'" hints at that, but then again, referring to it in quotes as a "crisis of the day" read to me as a slap at the Left.
Recall in 2007 the horrendous SCOTUS decision that declared the EPA can regulate carbon dioxide as an atmospheric pollutant that contributes to "global warming." The chief perpetrator of that was John Paul Stevens, with henchmen Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer concurring. Roberts filed the dissent with Scalia, Thomas and Alito concurring. Aside from the fact that manmade global warming/climate change is a complete myth, labeling CO2 as a pollutant is an equally dangerous bromide. Along with oxygen, CO2 is essential for life on earth to exist and therefore is not, never was and never will be a pollutant given the biology of this world, and given the fact that every living thing on this planet is carbon based. That said, virtually every industrial process, every engine and indeed all forms of animal life on this planet emit CO2 to one degree or another. You can well imagine the consequences if it were to be regulated by individuals with the mindset of Scoldilocks Greta Thunberg and worse Gina McCarthy.
The equally crucial issue that the link discusses is the effect this ruling has on the power of the bureaucracy itself. The Politico headline says it all: "How SCOTUS’ upcoming climate ruling could defang Washington." Starting with the 16th Amendment and certainly with FDR's new deal — all the way up to the EPA itself (thanks, Tricky Dick) — the very foundations of American government, wherein political power was supposed to be vested primarily in the citizenry and then the states with certain very limited powers delegated to a federal government, was turned completely upside down. Since that time, and metastasizing like cancer, a giant unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy in Washington issues edicts and regulations that have the force of law behind them. No one voted for that. And yet, you defy a governmental agency in any way, shape or form and you'll wonder what fell on you. Funny, we fought a revolution and won our independence from a tyrannical monarchy on the very same grounds. "No taxation without representation" should ring a bell, unless your main textbook in school was Ibram X. Krement's Jive Kampf crackpot race nuttery.
Dig this line from Roberts: " . . . it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme in Section 111(d). A decision of such magnitude and consequence rests with Congress itself, or an agency acting pursuant to a clear delegation from that representative body."
Well duh! The legislative branch is where laws are supposed to originate. But Congress gradually abrogated that responsibility long ago because politicians are loathe to actually pass laws that might be damaging to one's political prospects. What better way to both advance the goals of big government statism as well as pass the buck for the ensuing failures and disasters of those goals on bureaucracies that will not only never be abolished but will grow in size, scope and funding with each new budget. Or should I say continuing resolution because the criminal scumbags in DC are too cowardly to even enact one.
Now you understand why owning SCOTUS is so absolutely vital to the anti-American Left. Any law or regulation that they manage to pass, or the bureaucracy advances, like national abortion or Obamacare or declaring CO2 a poisonous pollutant, that would never have a snowball's chance in hell of surviving real legal scrutiny will be declared kosher and Constitutional by hacks in black that are down for the struggle, as it were, to fundamentally transform America. And Politico is right to be shitting itself over what this means beyond the EPA.
All this is well and good except for one thing: America as founded no longer exists, the great rulings from SCOTUS and elections and all the rest of the illusion of regular order notwithstanding. There is no way in hell the Leftists are going to just say "Oh well, the courts and the people have spoken. Maybe we should listen to them or at best try to compromise." Whether its hate shakes, fists and Molotov cocktails from their sanctioned black-clad brownshirt street terrorists, 3:00AM FBI/CNN raids and imprisonment without due process in the Garland Archipelago, a sudden plague of Monkeypox that locks us down and steals the midterms or simple nullification by blue shit hole mayors and governors, these people are not only not going to concede, they are going to quadruple down until we are crushed.
Isn't it funny how for over 100 years, they've done everything they can to eradicate the Constitution and particularly the 9th and 10th Amendments but when things don't go their way, they hide behind both of them as justification to ignore the law?
I am overjoyed at all the huge decisions that came down this week, which you can thank Donald Trump for. But the reality is, as I have stated many times, I cannot see any form of reconciliation, rapprochement or even accommodation with the Left. They are too far gone in their hatred of us and of America as founded for the country to ever come together again as it was. In any case, I am relieved by all great news, despite the fact that as Steve Miller once crooned "you've got to go through hell before you get to Heaven" and we don't really know what constitutes the latter, in political/governmental/societal terms, let alone if we'll get there.
But there will be "fundamental transformation." Perhaps though, it may not be the way the dog-eating stoner degenerate thought it would be.
Have a safe, blessed and happy Fourth of July weekend.
Note: YUUUUGE thanks to all who hit the tip jar. New podcast episode coming late today or early Saturday so BOLO.
- Chief Justice Roberts for the 6-3 Majority – “Capping carbon dioxide emissions at a level that will force a nationwide transition away from the use of coal to generate electricity may be a sensible “solution to the crisis of the day.” …. But it is not plausible that Congress gave EPA the authority to adopt on its own such a regulatory scheme ….”
Supreme Court Aborts the Green New Deal, Strikes Down EPA’s Carbon-Emission Power Grab
- "On the last day of its term, the Supreme Court stops the Environmental Protection Agency from making policy without express congressional authorization."
Reining In the Agencies
- "Restoring true economic freedom will be a complex game of Whack-a-Mole, leveraging the power of individual states to manage their financial transactions and challenging any executive overreach back to SCOTUS when necessary."
SCOTUS Ruling Against EPA is Just One Win in an Ongoing War for Economic Freedom
- "SCOTUS guts the administrative state."
The American People Won in West Virginia v. EPA
- "Possibly the dumbest reaction to the Supreme Court’s ruling in West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency
Remember When It Wasn't OK to Criticize Supreme Court Rulings (When Trump Did It)?
- "Thanks to President Trump’s Supreme Court picks, American businesses and families have been uplifted and freed from the heavy hand of unaccountable government bureaucracy."
A Win Over Green Tyranny
- "SCOTUS defends Congress from the EPA and other bossy bureaucratic behemoths."
Was the EPA Case the Most Significant of the Historic Supreme Court Term?
- “California already was having blackout and brown out problems to the point where they’re now predictable, and the green energy nonsense is just adding insult to injury."
California Legislature Passes Newsom’s New Energy Policy That Could Allow Easier Funding for Fossil Fuels
- "American oil producers lost more than 31,000 jobs last year."
Videos: Biden Climate Advisor Is Happy About American Job Losses
- "The justices, in a 5-4 ruling authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, overturned a federal appeals court decision requiring Biden to restart Trump's 'remain in Mexico' policy after the Republican-led states of Texas and Missouri sued to maintain the program."
The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier For Illegal Immigrants To Stay In the US
- "While the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled that [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden can end the 'Remain in Mexico' program, federal data reveals that just 1.6 percent of migrants enrolled in the program have had valid claims for asylum to remain in the U.S."
Data: Only 1.6% of ‘Remain in Mexico’ Migrants Have Valid Asylum Claims
- "Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Chief Justice John Roberts sided with the majority." (Kavanaugh, and it was 5-4 - jjs)
Texas Lt. Gov.: SCOTUS Ruling in Biden’s Favor on Remain in Mexico is "Devastating for the United States"
- "With Biden, it’s always the worst of times."
A Tale of Two Crises: The Gas Pump and the Border
- "We need greater communication — and blow jobs" (I threw that last bit in there - jjs) (in all fairness to Veep Throat, what is Guatemala doing to make it a place where people don't want to flee? - jjs)
Guatemalan President: Kamala Harris Is Missing in Action on Migration Crisis
- "These poll numbers come as [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden’s [junta] is in a legal dispute over the pandemic-era immigration policy. After Biden announced the program would end in May, 21 states sued the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), alleging Biden unlawfully terminated the program."Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Support Trump’s ‘Title 42’ Border Policy
- “I am glad that the Florida Supreme Court has granted my petition to impanel a statewide grand jury to investigate international human smuggling networks that operate on our southern border,” DeSantis tweeted. “We are united in fighting back against Biden’s border crisis and protecting Floridians.”
Ron DeSantis Secures Win In Combatting Fallout From Democrat Joe Biden’s Border Crisis
- "Democrats are [so-called quote-unquote "president"] Joe Biden for agreeing to nominate an anti-abortion Republican to a lifetime federal judgeship in Kentucky, less than a week after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. . . 'Why you would pick him to fill a federal vacancy when you're a Democratic [alleged] president is beyond me.'" (then again, what was McYertle's compromise? - jjs)
"Deal With the Devil: Secret Biden-McConnell Deal on Anti-Abortion GOP Judge Enrages Democrats (note: link is to AOL/USA Today - jjs)
- "I'm going to do everything in my power."
Biden Calls to Suspend the Filibuster and Nationalize Abortion Law
- "Democrati Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar called on Manchin and Sinema, along with Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, to take a vote in order to show them turning their backs to women’s rights."
Liberals Reignite Their Outrage at Manchin, Sinema as Calls to Abolish Filibuster Percolate
- "Subhead: Sen. Maggie Hassan last year abandoned support for filibuster for election reform."
Vulnerable Dem Mum on Biden’s Call to Abolish Filibuster
- Daniel Greenfield: "Taking money from rich white people to kill poor black babies isn’t a winning issue."
The Abortion Midterms May Abort the Democrats
- "An attempt by Republicans to include the Hyde amendment in the bill was voted down 31-26, with Democratic Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, the only pro-life Democrat in the House of representatives, joining Republicans in voting for it."
Democrats Advance Budget To Inflate CDC, NIH Budgets With No Hyde Amendment
- "We can teach our politicians to talk about life, death, and the reality of abortion — and we can hold accountable those who refuse."
Dobbs Victory is More Complicated — And More Fragile — Than Many Realize
- "The post-Roe comments of Democrats confirm their moral bankruptcy."
The Party of Death in All Its Ugliness
- "Despite no data readily available to confirm this trend, urologists nationwide are noticing a sudden increase in bookings – with some even saying they are now booked until the end of August."
Reports: Vasectomy Clinics See Increase in Bookings Following Roe Reversal
- "Don’t confuse natural law with doing what comes naturally."
Natural Law and the Abortion Debate
- Robert Spencer: ". . . Terms that are very acceptable."
Green-Haired, Morbidly Obese Leftist Women Call for Sex Strike Over Abortion Ruling
- Jack Posobiec: "The harassment of Clark and Eastman is part of a much wider DOJ investigation into what the media has now dubbed a 'fake electors scandal.' But these were not “fake electors” at all, these were alternate electors that would be ready in the event that legal challenges in certain states opened up the possibility of a GOP win. Nevertheless, the Justice Department has been serving subpoenas and search warrants to Republican Party officials all across the country in a wild witch hunt designed to intimidate local leaders and criminalize legal maneuvering."
Biden Has Weaponized the FBI and DOJ Against His Political Opponents— The GOP Needs to End It
- Daniel Greenfield: “While it’s still early, the progress of the case has already exposed how the city’s public defender’s office appears to operate as an outpost of leftist insurrectionists. And it points to larger connections between the rioters and the pro-crime legal movement that is enabling them.”
Will the Antifa 11 Face Justice in San Diego?
* * * * *
- "What leftist, on the verge of losing his power in Washington, and yet possessed of the means of retaining it through violence, would have walked away as Trump did?"
Trump Is the Greatest Man Alive
- Julie Kelly: "NeverTrump is up to its old tricks: bashing Trump, berating his supporters, and cheering his latest nemeses who almost always end up as farcical as NeverTrumpers themselves."
NeverTrump Hearts Cassidy
- "The former White House aide will never accomplish anything as consequential as Donald Trump has."
When Small People (Like Cassidy Hutchison) Have Big Moments
- "So many [phony] right-of-center commentators want so badly to be liked by the left they’re willing to ignore the truth about the Jan. 6 committee."
The Jan. 6 Committee Is Causing Never Trumpers To Lose Their Minds
- Jeffrey Lord: "Secret Service refutes 'star' witness Cassidy Hutchinson."
The Credibility of the January 6 Committee Implodes
- You know who else talked about some sort of a something-or-other "world order?"
WH’s National Economic Council Director Deese: Paying High Gas Prices "About the Future of the Liberal World Order"
- "Biden was specifically asked during his press conference in Europe about what he would say to Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud or Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about oil during their scheduled meeting in July."
Joe Biden Insists He Will Not Beg Saudi Arabia to Produce More Oil
- "The left's unachievable but costly goal of 'net zero' emissions by 2050 makes 'net zero' sense."
Americans Are "Collateral Damage" in Dems’ Insane War On Energy
- When you've lost even a hardcore Maoist like Khanna . . .
Rep. Ro Khanna Urges Biden to Increase Domestic Oil Production
- "The S&P 500 fell 0.9 percent, its fourth consecutive drop. The benchmark index is now down 21 percent since it hit an all-time high at the beginning of the year. It entered a bear market earlier in June."
Stocks Tumble into the Worst First Half in Over 50 years
- "U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the second quarter of 2022 fell to -1% based on available data for the current measured quarter, the Atlanta Fed reported."
There’s a Fat Red Flag That America Just Entered a Recession
- ". . . but the worst pain would be from failing to address this high inflation and allowing it to become persistent.”
Federal Reserve Chairman Says Fixing Inflation "Highly Likely to Involve Some Pain" for the American People
- "Not only is the Fed raising its policy interest rate in 75 basis-point steps rather than the more normal 25. It is also on the path to withdrawing market liquidity by as much as $95 billion a month this fall by not rolling over its maturing bond holdings."
The Fed's Hawkish Policies Risk Making the Economy's Doom Loop Worse
- "The White House gleefully touted on July 1, 2021, that the 'cost of a 4th of July cookout in 2021 is down $0.16 from last year'. . . The average Fourth of July cookout is estimated to be 17% more expensive this year than 2021, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation."
Tweet From White House Comes Back to Bite Them in the Ass One Year Later
- “For one—and this might take you by surprise—the truth is that you simply cannot control the actions of people that are not subject to your respective jurisdictions. We understand that, for a time, New York City was the de-facto capital of this nation. We’re sure this is an immense point of pride, but that temporary honor ended in 1790.”
Gun Rights Groups Sends Letter to NY Attorney General, NYC Mayor Over "Assault on the People"
- "This pattern from Amazon fits the pattern of all of Jeff Bezos’ space-related projects: Big promises, little action, and when competitors get things done sue or demand the government play favorites. Sure does not seem to me to be a good long-term business plan."
Amazon to FCC: Consider Limiting SpaceX's Starlink Constellation for Our Benefit
- “The current method of allowing a limited number of reporters into these events is not only restrictive and antithetical to the concept of a free press, but it has been done without any transparent process into how reporters are selected to cover these events,” the letter said. “We are all left wondering who is making these decisions and what are the criteria on which they are based?”
Nearly 70 Journalists Sign Letter Demanding White House Reopen To Press
- "The first black Supreme Court justice was Thurgood Marshall, who joined the Court in 1967. The second black Supreme Court justice was Clarence Thomas, who still serves on the Court."
Good Morning America Forced To Issue Correction On Supreme Court Tweet After Backlash, Mockery
- "Farewell to a physician, scientist, and activist for medical rights who touched the lives of millions of people."
Dr. Vladimir "Zev" Zelenko, RIP
- "The audacity of vaccine mandates."
Vaccine Mandates Were Predicated on “Hope” Rather Than Science, Admits Deborah Birx
- "Overall, these numbers strongly suggest that the jab might actually be more risky to your health than [Chinese] COVID itself."
The Utter Failure and Total Evil of Government Policies During the Wuhan Panic
- "The mandates have fallen away, but so much work remains to heal the wounds they have caused."
The Chinese COVID Aftermath: Repentance and Reconciliation
- "Victor Javier Rodriguez, a coordinator for DCPS Office of Equity, claimed in a tweet that his job is to force educators to comply with culturally responsive practices, many of which derive from the core tenets of critical race theory."
DC Schools Equity Advisor: "My Job" is to "Drag the Fuck Out of School Leaders"
- “We’re here to fight the culture war,” [Tudor] Dixon said at a Thursday press conference introducing the legislation.
Michigan Gubernatorial Candidate Joins GOP Lawmakers To Announce Bill Targeting Drag Shows In Public Schools
- Jerome Corsi: "Universities are floating on a sea of taxpayer money, even as they train students to despise America and each other."
We Should Immediately End Nationalized Funding of Student Tuition
- J. Christian Adams: "All of this is just a first taste at understanding the behind-the-curtain relationships developing between progressive deep pockets, leftist activists, vote fraud deniers, federal officials with prosecutorial power, and state and local election officials. This effort started after the 2016 election, and notably focused on many of the bluish swing states that Donald Trump won in 2016 but lost in 2020. Whether that was the plan or just a side benefit of the Denver confab and Democracy Fund plans remains to be seen."
FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination
- "Think tank report finds systemic anti-Israel bias in corporate ratings."
How Financial Giant Morningstar Blacklists Companies That Help Israel Stop Terrorism
- "Social Ventures Inc., a charity run by Ben & Jerry’s board member Jeff Furman, raked in around $118,000 from the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation between 2016 and 2020, according to financial disclosure records." (that's a lot of gallon tubs of Rachel Corrie Crunch - jjs)
Ben & Jerry’s Foundation President Steered Funds to His Own Charity
- "A bipartisan majority of Americans had pessimistic views about the economy, with 67% of Democrats and 90% of Republicans saying the economy was in poor condition, according to the poll. Overall, 79% of respondents described the national economy as in poor condition."
POLL: Even Democrats Think the Country Is Going in the Wrong Direction
- "Biden was speaking at a press conference in Madrid following a NATO summit at which Finland and Sweden were officially invited to join the military alliance in response to the more than four-month-old Russian invasion of Ukraine."
Joe Sponge-Brain Shits-Pants' Latest Brain-Fart: Mixes Up Switzerland and Sweden, Jokes He's "Anxious" About NATO Growth
- "Many swing-district House Democrats are distancing themselves from Joe Biden as they face difficult reelection bids. The task won't be easy—those same Democrats have voted with the [so-called quote-unquote "president"] 100 percent of the time."
These House Dems Are a Rubber Stamp for Biden’s Agenda. They’re Trying to Distance Themselves From the So-Called Quote-Unquote "president" Anyway.
- "Although Ocasio-Cortez is a leading fundraiser in the Democratic Party, some of the party’s most vulnerable House members have declined donations from her Courage to Change Leadership PAC. . . Republicans have already begun noting the endorsements in political attacks."
Rust Belt Democrats Silent on Titty Caca Ocasio-Cortez Endorsements
- Robert Spencer: "Public service in the United States has become a lucrative exercise in mutual back-slapping, with numerous well-heeled lobbies eager to pay a cash-strapped Congressman outlandish speaker’s fees after he gets them what they want on the legislative floor. And once you’ve climbed aboard the gravy train, it’s hard to get off."
Sen. Leahy Breaks a Hip
- "Were Russian troops forced into a humiliating retreat from Snake Island, or did Moscow order a withdrawal from the strategic island as a “goodwill” gesture to promote grain exports?"
UKRAINE WAR: What Really Happened on Snake Island?
- Iran’s former Vice President Abtahi: “Israeli operations have completely undermined our most powerful intelligence organization.”
Iran: Regime Fires IRGC Intel Chief, Arrests Senior General on Charges of Spying for Israel
- "What if they declared a trade war, and only one side showed up?"
Getting Serious Against China
- "Biden’s announcement in Madrid was warmly welcomed by Poland, which has been calling for a permanent presence of NATO forces since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea and began supporting armed separatists in eastern Ukraine."
Biden Announces Plans for "Permanent" US Army Base in Poland
- "US Council of Muslim Organizations delegates included individual who joked about threatening to blow up school."
Terror-Linked Muslim Umbrella Group Brings Hundreds to DC to Lobby Congress
- "Can you guess who the terror-tied group is targeting now?"
Terrorist Front Group CAIR Takes Aim
- "Time to go on offense."
After Dobbs, What Comes Next for the Conservative Legal Project?
- "The Supreme Court’s momentous 2022 decisions mark an end of consequentialism on the Court and begin the restoration of constitutional government." (in a sane, moral and just world, this would be true, except we're not in that world - jjs)
A Consequential End to Consequentialism On the Court
- "Then-nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson: 'I'm not a biologist.'"
WATCH: Woman Who Can’t Define Woman Celebrated as First Black Woman on Supreme Court
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called the program the “woke-ification” of federal policy, which isn’t entirely accurate. This is good old-fashioned government goodies going to a favored constituency. There’s nothing remotely “woke” about it.
Secretary Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg to Spend $1 Billion to Combat Racist Highways
- "Shrinking disparities by penalizing high achievers helps no one."
Learning From Asian-American Success
- "Instilling fear of jail time and financial ruin in the hearts of doctors for good faith prescription of pain medication is not the way to go. As recognized by all 9 SCOTUS justices."
A Unanimous SCOTUS Lifts The Fear Of Prosecution For Physicians Prescribing Pain Medication In Good Faith
- "Outbreak occurring among gay and bisexual men."
CDC Investigating "One of the Worst Outbreaks of Meningococcal Disease" in Florida
- “It’s really hard to not look at the universe in a new light and not just have a moment that is deeply personal,” he said. “It’s an emotional moment when you see nature suddenly releasing some of its secrets. And I would like you to imagine and look forward to that.”
NASA Webb Telescope’s "First Light" Images Nearly Bring Tears to Astronomers’ Eyes
- ". . . Then the Wuhan panic arrived and everything stopped. Today’s PSLV launch was only its fifth launch since 2019. With almost all launches canceled, India’s smallsat business moved to SpaceX, Rocket Lab, and other rocket companies that did not panic and continued to launch."
India's PSLV Rocket Completes Launch Putting Nine Satellites Into Orbit
- "The monthlong spectacle is over, and the taste of glitter is like ashes in our mouths."
Proud of What?
- "The Army supports singer Mickey Guyton in an Independence Day concert despite the BLM celebratory song she wrote blaming ‘land of the free.’"
U.S. Army, PBS Pick BLM Singer Who Belittled the "Land of the Free" to Headline July 4 Concert
- Michael Anton: "The last desperate refuge of the stupid is to accuse their opponents of being Nazis."
When Everything is Hitler
- "The point of this story is not to argue the pros or cons of abortion. That subject will now rightly be debated and determined by the elected representatives in the fifty state legislatures across the country. My point is to illustrate the authoritarian and oppressive mindset of the leftist pro-abortion crowd. They don’t wish to debate anyone. You disagree with them, and they demand the power to destroy you. Period."
Today's Blacklisted American: Amazon Employees Demand Company Blackball Everyone Who Disagrees With Them
- “I’m embarrassed that I didn’t know better 25 years ago.”
Creator of Friends Apologises for Characters Being White
- Christian Toto: "TikTok star Elsa Kurt offers a killer VP take without that late-night hate."
Crack Kamala Harris Impressionist Faces TikTok’s Wrath
- "A journalist's new book -- and that fight between 'Zoey' Tur and Ben Shapiro."
Rough Draft: A Memoir by Katy Tur of MSNBC
- "The apotheosis of humiliation is what you do willingly to yourself. So don’t take it. Complain."
Snap Back!
- "Brilliant, restive, alternately depressed and exhilarated, Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa had second thoughts about everything."
Plural Like the Universe
NOTE: The opinions expressed in the links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.
ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.
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posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:47 AM
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