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July 08, 2022
Chicago Residents Notice That They Had More Gun Deaths Than Highland Park Over the Fourth of July Weekend, As Usual, and Also As Usual, the Leftwing Propaganda Media Didn't Notice
John Sexton writes, quoting the Washington Post:
There are no crowdsourced charity drives raising millions for victims' families in Chicago, where the holiday weekend death toll reached at least 10 with 62 injured -- numbers that exceed the toll in Monday's mass shooting at a July Fourth parade in nearby Highland Park, Ill. In that affluent lakeside suburb, the violence was an anomaly. Here, it is a grimly regular occurrence.
"They have a lot of resources there in Highland Park," said Bobbie Brown, 62, who watched the nationally televised law enforcement response and community outpouring from her home in the Englewood neighborhood, down the block from where the homicide near the playground happened Friday afternoon. "Ain't that something? Our babies see people get shot while they're at a playground, and there's no counseling. They have to suck it up and deal with it."...
Shermiya, a Triton College-trained engineer, drives her three children 45 minutes west each morning during the school year, outside city limits. Her parents live there, and the children use their address to attend school...
To her, the Highland Park television coverage served as little more than a reminder that the suburb one hour away exists in a different universe.
"It was on for hours and hours," Shermiya said. "And it's like, people are getting shot every day around here, around the corner, up the street. But they still don't cover it because it's not enough White people down here."
People know the media is biased and they grope for why they are refusing to cover obviously-newsworthy stories. This woman grasps at her default idea of bias -- the media must be biased against blacks.
No, that's not it. It's not that "there aren't enough White people down here." It's that there aren't enough white perpetrators. The media likes mass shootings because, let's face it, a disproportionate amount of gun crime is committed by blacks, and they don't like covering any crime committed by blacks.
But mass shootings are more of an equal opportunity category of crime, so they cover those like crazy.
Until they find out the shooter was black or Hispanic, then they drop the coverage like a hot potato.
But even the people the media bias is intended to help are aware of the bias, and they sense a darkness in it -- lies always have a darkness to them.
Meanwhile, New York Times opinion idiot Charles Blow wants the media to start running graphically violent photos of the carnage wrought by mass shooters, to shake the public out of their (assumed) lethargy and get the leftwing goal of forced disarmament imposed on an unwilling populace.
Jeryl Bier has a question: Why only the carnage from mass shootings? Why not run graphically violent after-action photos from regular run-of-the-mill gun crime?
Right. Because that wouldn't push the political agenda Blow favors.
Also: Not enough white perps.
Meanwhile, the media's efforts to hide reality, to hide the fact that many, many blacks are dying from gun violence from other blacks may make their outlets Certifiably Woke for showing No Black-Committed Crimes, but they failing to inform the public and direct public attention to a real public problem which, in pre-woke days, used to be the purpose of an independent media.
So black bodies continue to fall, and the media continues to hide them, and the media continues patting itself on the back about how much it's uplifting the black community by hiding how many blacks are dying of murder.
In an Empire of Lies, the most garish medals are awarded for Lying Above and Beyond the Limits of Reason.