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Daily Tech News 9 July 2022 »
July 08, 2022
What A Piece Of Work Is An ONT!
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today is Friday, Friday (Partyin')
We, we, we so excited, we so excited (Partyin')
We gonna have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards
I don't want this weekend to end!
Remember the shit that little girl got for the song? Ok the music aspires to reach the level of bubble gum, and the lyrics are...not brilliant, but she was a 14 year old girl. She wrote a song. It became a hit. Let her have her moment. Sheesh.
Anyhow, on with the memes! People ask me why I post memes on Fridays.
4th of July leftovers
This was apparently a live stream. There's a clip from a bit later when firemen show up. You can hear the idiot in the background “Uh...it just started going off”
RIP Shinzo Abe. Tragic loss for Japan and for the whole west
I spy with my little eye, something that begins with F
You get what you pay for
Remember, these people vote
The last one. Maybe she had some road tar on her car? Gas is a solvent, right?
Fatherhood. I wouldn't trade it for the world
Wholesome content: Christmas
Best comment in the thread I got this from? “They weren't Chinese, they were Americans” Damn straight.
Speaking of Christmas
Well, an air fryer is pretty cool.
Fido Friday: Fren!
Cut her off, she's had enough
Last night y'all were talking about Rachel Weisz. She's pretty, but she can't hold a candle to granny from The Beverly Hillbillies
Kindness is contagious. Make someone smile today
Bringing the hammer down
Insert Simpsons “Stop, he's already dead” meme here
Anybody watch this show? I've seen some bits quoted, like below, that makes me think it might be pretty good
Pro tip: Don't drink all the beers and then try this. Try this with the empty cans from last night
Bonus wholesome content, Gordon Ramsay edition
I hate it when this happens
Finally, something to shut those Alaskan loudmouths up
Tonight's ONT isn't brought to you by anything. It just keeps going until it hits...rock bottom:
posted by WeirdDave at
10:00 PM
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