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Overnight Open Thread (5-31-2012)
Live Wisconsin Recall Debate, Streaming, Now
Final? Barrett(D) Internal for Wisconsin Recall:
Michael Bloomberg: Why Yes, I'm Banning The Sale of Soda In Any Container 16 Ounces or Larger
Sarah Palin Was Right: Tough "Vetting" In Primary Has Produced Tougher Candidate
Edwards Walks; Not Guilty On One Charge, Mistrial (Hung Jury) on All Others
For Team Obama, Now Is Not The Time To Panic.Tomorrow Is the Time To Panic.
Video of Axelrod's Goofing
It Begins: First Circuit Court of Appeals Strikes Down DOMA as "Unconstitutional"
Bizarro Issues Statement on Solyndra
Romney Speaks At Solyndra
War on Unborn Women: Second Video Shows Planned Parenthood Staffers Explaining How To Get a Sex-Selection Abortion
Flashback: In 2008, The New York Times Claimed Obama's Admitted Drug Use Was Probably Exaggerated For Effect
Disaster In Boston
This Embarrassing Clip of Elizabeth Warren Melting Down When Asked About Her Family Lore Is So Good It Hurts
Vote 5 Bizarro!
Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren: Yeah, I lied When I Said I Didn't Tell Harvard I Was A High-Cheekboned American
Top Headline Comments 5-31-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-30-2012)
John Sununu Humiliates Obama Surrogate Soledad O'Brien & CNN
Red-Faced Sack of Stupid Ed Schultz Panics: If Romney is Elected, There Will Never Again Be Another Democratic President In Our Lifetimes
Feds: Walker's Job Figures Are, Indeed, Accurate
Obama's New Attack on Romney: Romney's Policies Were An Economic Failure Because Massachusetts' Unemployment Rate Was 4.7%
Caution & Optimism on Wisconsin, and a Thank You
Time: Listen Up, Young Voters! Living At Home With Your Parents Into Your 30s Is Freakin' Awesome!!!!
Obama: I Know More About Judaism Than Any Other President Because I Read About It
Mama Winger Explains Romney's Improving Favorability With Women, and Obama's Falling Favorability With Women
Barrett: Which School Districts Have Been Hurt By Scott Walker's Reforms...? Hmm. Hm. Hey, You Know What, I'll Run An Analysis And Get Back To You About That
Romney: It Saddens My Heart That Vampire Socialist Barack Obama Lost A Half Billion of Taxpayer Money on a Jackass Investment With His Rich Friends and 1,100 Hardworking Americans Lost Their Jobs
Romney Gaining in Favorability Among Women; Obama's Favorability Slips
Name That Party
We Can't Allow This Tactic To Succeed
Hope For The Future
Open Thread for Wednesday 05-30-12: 0/32nd Edition[OregonMuse]
Top Headline Comments 5-30-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-29-2012)
Our Genius President Offends Polish Allies By Terming Nazi Death Camps In Poland "Polish Death Camps"
Ed Rogers: Democrats Have To Choose Between Obama The Lightbringer and Obama the President
"Coding Error:" Walker Hits Barrett on Claim That Violent Crime On His Watch Is Down; Hundreds of Beatings and Stabbings Somehow Omitted From His Tally
Wolf Blitzer Attacks Trump For Birther Claims
UW Teaching Assistant's Association to Tom Barrett:
Holder To Brief Pastors On Precisely What They Can Say At The Pulpit Without Endangering Their Tax-Exempt Status
Cannibal Face-Eater May Have Been On New Form of LSD Called "Bath Salts"
Are Democrats Pondering Dumping Fauxcahontas?
Eyewitness Account of Walker/Kimberlin Hearing
Wisconsin Recall Early Voting Update
Top Headline Comments 5-29-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-28-2012)
The Coldest Winter
Open Thread
Google Stole Information and Covered It Up
Why We Fight
The Rainbow Division Memorial
Memorial Day AM Open Thread
Tomb Of the Unknowns, Part 2
Now Erick Erickson of Redstate and CNN Gets SWATted
Overnight Open Thread (5-27-2012)
Echoes of DOOM: Spain on the brink [Fritzworth]
MSNBC Flack Can't Deal With the Concept of "Hero" on Memorial Day
Mythbusting the Left's "Polls Overstated Walker's Support in 2010" Talking Point
Pat Condell: Can I Say This?
The Sentinel
Eurovision: Humperdinck Wuz Robbed
Your Sunday Gaming Thread
Wisconsin Recall Race- Official #AOSHQDD Call
Sunday Morning Book Thread 05-27-2012: Memorial Day Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Sat. Nite Chess Thread 05-26-2012 [OregonMuse]
The Boys of Pointe du Hoc
Awesome: First Commercial Space Capsule Docks With International Space Station
Meet the Weiner Truthers: A Year On, And a Hardy Few Are Still Doggedly Investigating Who Framed Anthony Weiner
Open Thread: Judge Smails Edition [OregonMuse]
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Democratic Governor's Association Push New Wisconsin Poll That
University of Penn Law School Listed Precisely One (1) Female Native American Professor, Too
Boston Globe Takes a Tomahawk To Elizabeth Warren's Fauxcahontas Claims
Leading Political Indicator: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Says Wisconsin Isn't Such A Big Deal; No Major Repercussions if Democrats Lose
Barack Obama: Hey, Wanna Get High?
Happy Weinerversary
Be Wary Of Opening Pictures, Attachments, Etc. From Phones Or Accounts You Don't Know
What Can You Do?
Hedgehog Is Being Banned
Asking National Bloggers Club About Personal Information Required For Donations...
Tom Coburn on the Debt Bomb
Top Headline Comments 5-25-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-24-2012)
So, Why Does Tom Barrett Keep Releasing Internals
"Major" DC Character To Be Revealed As Gay Is... Um, The Original Green Lantern From the 1940s
Frontline Covers Obama's Favorite Bundler/Vampire Capitalist, Jon Corzine
Roseanne Barr Defends Larry Flynt's Degrading Photoshop
Karl Rove: A Romney Win Is As Simple As 3-2-1
Romney: Obama (and Biden) Never Worked a Day In the Private Sector; Obama Just Doesn't Understand The Basics of Capitalism or a Free Economy
AOSHQ Wisconsin Recall Projection 5/24
Levi Johnson Gay Porn Doomsday Clock's Hands Advanced to Six to Midnight
Yet Another Open Thread [OregonMuse]
Top Headline Comments 5-24-12
Poll: Swing State Voters Take Dim View of Dim Vice President
Obama at USAFA: A follow-up [Fritzworth]
Late Afternoon Video Tiramisu
Obama: The Hate-Murder of Matthew Shepphard Was Super-Important on My Evolution on the Gay Marriage Issue
Mayor Bloomberg Knows How To Solve Immigration Problems And Urban Decay: The Federal Government Just Has To Force Cities To Accept a Large Number of Illegal Immigrants!
Washington Post's Hit Job on America's Second 9/11 -- The Massacre of the Bangs -- Repels Voters... Against the Washington Post
Democrats Pretty Sure They Know Why Obama Lost 40% of the Vote In Kentucky and Arkansas
Hustler Photoshops S.E. Cupp Performing a Sex Act
Documents: Obama Administration Gave Some Pretty Extraordinary Information And Access To Bin Laden Raid Filmmakers
The Glorious Accuracy of Internal Polls
Top Headline Comments 5-23-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-22-2012)
Kitty Genovese and the Conservative Media
LULZ, Courtesy Wisconsin Democrats
Student Who Talked Back To Teacher: Honestly, I Wanted To Laugh At Her
The Hill Blog: In a Way, Aren't We All Cherokee Indians? I Mean, in a Poetical Sense. I Mean, in a Mythical Way.
LAT Now Vetting Ann Romney's Horses
Mid-Day Open Thread
The Ninth Circuit's Maui Judicial Conference
Top Headline Comments 5-22-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-21-2012)
Instant Fap Hit
Extremely Stupid, Incompetent, Partisan Teacher Screams At Students That She Is Required, By Law, To Forbid Them From "Disrespecting" Barack Obama
Gawker's Fanciful New Claim: Zimmerman "Beat" Trayvon Martin, Apparently Pounding Trayvon's Knuckles With His Eyesockets
Washington Post Asks The Important Question: In a Way, Isn't Romney Sort of Responsible for a Massacre By Mormons 160 Years Ago?
Harold Ford, Jr.: Booker Was Right the First Time
Real AP Headline: "Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?"
Breaking: 43 Catholic Institutions File Suit to Block Obama's Forced Birth Control Coverage
Now Thomas Friedman Shows He's a Numb-Nuts on Jeopardy
Traveling Is Fun
Top Headline Comments 5-21-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-20-1012)
Make a Pinhole Camera and Go Outside and Look at the Sun Right Now
Old and Busted: The Three R's. The New Hotness: Shut Up, Rightwing H8erz!Reason No. 3,297 To Homeschool
MORE Things Helping Walker in Wisconsin
Gaming Thread, Diablo 3 Edition
Campbell Brown Rounds on Obama
Sunday Morning Book Thread 05-20-2012: Maize and Crabcakes Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Sat. Nite Chess Thread 05-19-2012 [OregonMuse]
'Duping Delight'
A Once Proud Nation
Alan Dershowitz: Drop the Zimmerman Murder Charge
Five Things Helping Walker in Wisconsin
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
From JohnE...
You Dummies Better Lay Off Elizabeth Warren If You Know What's Good For You Update: Story Not Confirmed
Jon Lovitz: Obama Is Peddling A Victim Mentality Joe Rogan: Obama Is Shredding The Constitution
White House Leaks Details of SEAL Mission, Underwear Bomber... For Political Spin
That About Wraps It Up For Justice4Trayvon: Witness Says Trayvon Attacked Him "MMA Style"
Joe Biden: I Totally Understand Why An Out-of-State Felon Almost Beat Obama In The West Virginia Primary. It's Because of Bush.
ABC News: Cops, Witnesses Back Up George Zimmerman's Version of Events
It Looks Like Fauxcahontas Plagiarized Her 'Pow Wow Chow' Recipes
Krauthammer: "Appalling Double Standard" on Teenage Romney Prank Vs. Obama's Adult Adventures With Reverend Wright
On the Facebook IPO
Obama Drove Drunk, Too Obama's Agent Required, And Still Requires, Authors To Submit Their Own Bios
Mid-Day Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 5-18-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-17-2012)
Five Things That Can Change the Wisconsin Recalls
Trayvon Martin Had Drugs In His System, As George Zimmerman Suspected; Also Had Gashes on His Fists, Consistent With George Zimmerman's Story
Update: Obama's Kenya-Born Bio Was Only Corrected in April 2007
Gallup: Romney's Favorables Rise to 50%; Still Low
Oh, Dear: 1991 Promotional Material Circulated By Obama's Literary Agency States, In His Bio, That Obama Was "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii"
Update: Ricketts Backs Away From Wright Ad
Democrats Freaking Out That Right Is Interested in Wright
New Protest in Wisconsin
Top Headline Comments 5-17-2012
A Wisconsin Map To Dream A Wonderful Dream Upon (If You're Scott Walker)
Overnight Open Thread (5-16-2012)
Nebraska and Indiana
Piers Morgan Notches CNN's Lowest Primetime Demo Ratings in 15 Years
Wait....Rhode Island Gave Curt Schilling (Yes, THAT Curt Schilling) $112 Million In Loan Guarantees For His VIDEO GAME Company?
Obama's Budget Rejected Unanimously By Senate, 99-0
Walker Opens Six Point Can of Whoop Ass On Barnett In Latest Poll
John Lovitz Talks to Megyn Kelly
David Letterman, Truther: We Invaded Iraq and Afghanistan Because Cheney Wanted To "Help Out His Buddies at Brown & Root and Halliburton" and "Grab Up All The Oil;" Went "Soft" on Getting Bin Ladin To Not Upset "Saudi Arabian Royalty Buddies"
Cherokee Geneologist To Elizabeth Warren: Tell The Truth, You Lying Monsterscrunt
Gallup: Economic Ratings and Public Satisfaction with Direction of United States Suggest Obama May Be a One-Term Proposition
I Hope Nebraska GOP Primary Voters Know What They Are Doing Nominating Deb Fischer For US Senate
Dave Weigel: Massive Enthusiasm Edge for Republicans in Wisconsin Real
Chris Matthews-- Idiot. Open Thread
Court Records: George Zimmerman Had The Crap Beaten Out Of Him
Politico Is Officially Part Of Team Obama
Top Headline Comments 5-16-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-15-2012)
FISHER WINS --CAC's Half-Assed Primary Night Coverage of Nebraska
Jerry Brown: California Can Choose Between Either Spending Cuts Or Higher Taxes (and Urges the Public to Please Select "Temporary" Higher Taxes)
USAToday/Gallup Poll: Obama's Vaunted Edge In Likability Just Vanished
DAILY KOS / PPP / SEIU POLL: Walker's Lead UNCHANGED Since Last Month, 50%-45%
Article in Fordham Law Review Described Elizabeth Warren as Harvard's "First Woman of Color"
Obama, 2009: I'd Give Myself a "Solid B Plus" For My Handling of the Economy Obama, Today: I Can't Give Myself a Letter Grade; It's Still Incomplete
Jay Cost on Dennis Miller Now (Jon Lovitz Later)
Obama: Just Like In 2008, It Sure Is Going To Be Hard For a Black Kid With a Funny Name To Win the Election
Daily Caller: "Favorable same-sex marriage coverage frustrates Obama’s media plan"
James O'Keefe & Project Veritas Expose Non-Citizens Voting In North Carolina, and an Election Judge Who Vows He'll Mostly Support the State Constitution
Obama Inserts Himself Into Every President's Official Biography on Whitehouse.Gov
Chris Matthews, Who Repeatedly Urged a Jeopardy Test To Determine Palin's Qualifications, Fails Jeopardy Test
No Big Deal, But Obama's Friend Tried to Pay Off Reverend Wright
Womens War On Obama
Top Headline Comments 5-15-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-14-2012)
Police State Drones Over US Skies
CBS/NYT Poll: Romney 46% Obama 43%, But Wait for the Snark
Open Thread
Obama: You Know That Romney Is A Meanie Who Closed Business, Right? Because He Did UPDATE: Team Romney Gets It
'The London Whale'
Off Day
Top Headline Comments 5-14-2012
Overnight Open Thread (5-13-2012)
Wisconsin Students May Not Be Reliable Vote in Recall. In Other News Sun to Rise in East Tomorrow, Baffling Astronomers.
Donald "Duck" Dunn, RIP
Arlen Specter Would Like Utah to Reelect Orrin hosta
For Moms Everywhere
Gaming Thread, Weekly Edition!
California Is Just A Little Bit Screwed
Sunday Morning Book Thread 05-13-2012: 1/32nd Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
An Observation on Reporting Election Results and the AP
Sat. Nite Chess Thread 05-12-2012 [OregonMuse]
B-24 "Lady Be Good"
Is This Something? Obama Stump Speech in Reno Draws Dozens
Happy Saturday Joy Thread
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Common Sense TV
MSNBC Hackette: You Will Agree With My Premise That Medical Marijuana and Gay Marriage Are Hugely Important Issues Or I Will Cut Off Your Mike
Like Obama, Media Would Rather Report On Anything Other Than Obama's Record of Failure
Washington Post Stealth-Edits Deception in Romney Hit Piece; Now Says They'll Add Explanation for Their Deception
Harvard Touted Its High-Cheekboned Minority Hire In Letter To the Editor of the NYT
Rasmussen: Obama 43, Romney 50
Beach Boys' Bruce Johnston: "Obama's an A***ole, Wait 'Till Obama Doesn't Have to Try Anymore, Then We're All F***ed"
Obama's Enemies List
Top Headline Comments 5-11-12
Lowered Expectations ONT [Ben]
Obama: "Sometimes I Forget The Magnitude of the Recession"
JP Morgan Announces $2 Billion In Losses, Chiefly Due To Account Used To Protect Against Risks
Obama Helped This Man Get a Job! Erm, This Man, Who's Had The Same Employer Since... 2006
Department of Unfortunate Headlines: "With Dicks in, all 6 WA congressional Democrats favor repeal of gay-marriage ban"
Department of Unfortunate Headlines: "With Dicks in, all 6 WA congressional Democrats favor repeal of gay-marriage ban"
Second Law School Listed Elizabeth Warren as Fauxcahontas
Man Cited As "Long Troubled" By Romney's Rape of the Lock Actually Never Even Heard About It Until Last Year, When The Washington Post First Asked Him About It
Reporter Who Failed To Ask Obama Why He Had Misrepresented His Position For Eight Long Lying Years: "I'm Getting Chills Again"
Bangor Daily News: "Jobs report shows effects of the incredible shrinking U.S. labor force"
Tim Burton's Process
Cutesy Gall: Exactly One Day After Disowning His Previous Position on Gay Marriage, Barack Obama Running Ads Attacking His Previous Position on Gay Marriage
AP Poll With 49% Democratic Sample Finds Obama at 50% Support
Rape of the Lock: Mitt Romney's Vicious High School Prank Against A Likely-Gay Classmate Led Inexorably To The Victim's Death By Natural Circumstances 46 Years Later
Putin To Obama: Dimitri Transmitted Your Information To Me And I Am Not Impressed
Top Headline Comments 5-10-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-9-2012)
Obama Motor Company Not Doing So Well; Fisker-Karma Luxury Car That You Paid For Catches Fire In Garage
Hot Videos Stolen From Hot Air: Jon Lovitz, Chris "The Tingle Has Landed" Matthews
Obama, GM Volt Team Up To Tell You What They Think of Your Opinion
You Know Those 626,000 Republicans Who Turned Out in Wisconsin Yesterday? Go Higher. A LOT Higher.
Liberal Conventional Wisdom Starting to Twig On To AoSHQ Conventional Wisdom-- Obama Is an Underdog
Ace Of Spades HQ Decision Desk: Announcement Regarding North Carolina
"Adult We Desperately Need In Washington" Indulges In Childish Tantrum of Infinite Butthurt
Livestream of Obama's Statement: "For Me, Personally, It's Important to Go Ahead and Affirm That I Think Same-Sex Couples Should Be Allowed to Get Married"
If Labor Force Participation Rate Were Same As It Was When Obama Took Office -- If Millions Hadn't Been Driven in Despair from Labor Market -- Unemployment Rate Would Be... 11.1%
Evolution: Obama To Not Really Clarify His Gay Marriage Stance at 1:30 Update: Adviser to President Tells Reporter That Obama "Will Make Some News"
In Britain, Pakistani/Muslim Child Sexual Abuse Gang Claims Up To Fifty Victims; Police Failed To Investigate For Fear of Being Branded "Racist"
Liberal Hack: Defeating Lugar Might Provoke A "Constitutional Crisis"
BREAKING: Obama's Same Sex Marriage Evolution Complete?
40% Of West Virgina Voters Would Rather Have A Convicted Felon Be The Democratic Nominee Than Barack Obama
Top Headline Comments 5-9-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-8-2012)
Romney Mocks "Julia" As Cartoon Character
Primary/Referendum Pre -Results Thread
House Liberals Somehow Imagine They Now Have The Power To Overturn Purely-Intrastate State Laws
Think It's a Farcical Hypothetical That The Government Could Order You To Eat Your Broccoli? Think Again.
Fauxcahontas Warren's Family Lore Is In Heap Big Trouble Bonus Update: Warren Never Attended Native American Events at Harvard, Says Harvard's Native American Program Executive Director
President Gutsy Call: Okay With Giving Campaign Speeches in Afghanistan; Too Craven To Give Them In North Carolina
Update: Gallup, Romney 47, Obama 44 Rasmussen: Romney 49, Obama 44 with Likely Voters
RNC Hispanic Outreach Guy: Romney's Still "Deciding" His Immigration Policy
Santorum Offers Tepid (?) Endorsement of Romney
The International: New Biography Traces Obama's Evolution Into an American
Left Insists That Romney Comport Himself More Like A Gentleman, More Like... John McCain
Progressive Donors Attempt To Bribe/Buy Obama
Top Headline Comments 5-8-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-7-2012)
NYT Editor Bill Keller: Gee, That FoxNews Sure Is Creating a Climate of "Corrosive Cynicism" By Claiming To Be Non-Partisan When In Fact It's Biased
CAC's Wisconsin Recall Primary Predictions - Updated: Dearly Dedicated Democrats Daring to Dangle Down and Dance with the Division Devil and Descending into Doubly-Dangerous Discontent? Delightful!
Long Island Woman Arrested For Selling Hot Dogs and H-Jobs, But Mostly H-Jobs
Gutsy? Former AG Says Kill-Osama Memo Was "Heavily Lawyered" To Throw All Blame on Admiral McRaven If It Failed
Perfect Gaul: Obama Advises French Not To End Austerity Measures (???)
It Begins: MSM Discovers Anew That A Party's True Believers Are True Believers
NBC: Romney Must "Backtrack" From His Conservative Positions, But Obama Might "Cause Itself Damage" If It Backtracks Away From Joe Biden's Gay-Marriage Support
Gutsy Call Part II: Obama Putting Out Word That His Views on Gay Marriage Are Evolving, But He's Still A Bigot and Gay H8r
"He Believed In Us. Fought For Us.:" New Obama Ad Showcases Living GM, Dead bin Ladin
Truck Nutz Now Going Too Far
Markets Down After Socialists' Win In France, Electoral Limbo In Greece
Top Headline Comments 5-7-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-06-2012)
Head Injuries and Collision Sports (tmi3rd)
USS Cole Bomber Killed In Yemen Strike
Gaming Thread, Weekly Edition!
SNL Caves, Scraps Cold Opening About Obama's Obnoxious Behavior Over the Last Week
Sunday Morning Miscellany
Sunday Morning Book Thread 05-06-2012: Native Mode Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Saturday Night ONT [Ben]
Supermoon Tonight, Meteor Shower
Sat. Nite Chess Thread 05-05-2012 [OregonMuse]
Barack Obama's College "Composite" Girlfriend, Who Doesn't Exist, Just Happens To Match the Description of Bill Ayers' Former Girlfriend, Who Does
The Fastest Two Minutes In Sports Preceded By The Slowest Four Hours In Sports
"Dear Mr. President: Where Are The Jobs?"
What Does This Sign Mean?
Adam Carolla Rips Leslie Stahl's Attack on Terrorist Interrogation
Meet The Candidates, 2012
Derby Day
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Friday Night ONT [Ben]
Michael Moore Becomes a Triple Threat, Incompetent In Three Different Arts
Newest Navy Ship To Be Named, USS Time Limited, Scope Limited Military Action
Harvard Law School Refuses To Say Who Its Lone American Indian Professor Is
"I Didn't Call You a Name:" Elizabeth Warren Defender Gets Steamed at Tucker Carlson, Calls Him a "Bow-Tyin' White Boy"
TransCanada Offers Obama Second Chance to Heroically Destroy Tens of Thousands of Pipeline Jobs
A note on polling and releases
"The Life of Julia" And Obama's Orwellian Vision for a Fundamental Change In the Relationship Between Citizen and State
Will You Rescue an Occupier?
Assembling The Avengers: "The Avengers" Scores Eighth-Best Midnight Open Ever
Beastie Boys' MCA Dies at Age 47, of Cancer
Shocker: Economy Loses More Jobs And Yet Unemployment Rate Falls Again
Ooof: Dick Lugar Down By 10 Points Less Than A Week Before GOP Primary
Shake Shake Shake, That Tip Jar
Top Headline Comments 5-4-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-03-2012)
Wisconsin Recall Projection Updated 5/3/2012
The Fox Panel on That "Heroes Don't Spike the Football" Ad
New Amazing Spider-Man Trailer
Third NBC Producer Fired After Discover of Yet Another Faked Zimmerman Audio
All Five Cleveland Would-Be Bridge Bombers Are Occupiers;ABCNews Fails To Identify Them As Such
I'm Beginning to Suspect The Left Just Might Be Playing Fast and Loose With Race For Political Reasons
Why It Matters That Obama Dated a Composite and Ate a Dog
Gallup: Unemployment Rate Up ADP: Unemployment Rate Up Weekly Jobless Claims: Unemployment Rate Up Obama's Announcement of Unemployment Rate Tomorrow: Down, I'm Thinking Update: CNN Mentions The "Invisible" Jobless
Mostly Peaceful Occupier/Terrorist Throws Brick From Roof; Hits Another Occupier In the Face
Is Philip Klein Right? By Fighting Against Obama's Distractions of the Day, Is Romney Losing the Big Picture and Thus the Election?
A Tale of Two Wardobes: Media Very Interested In Cost of Ann Romney's Clothing; Fails To Mention Cost of Michele Obama's
Elizabeth Warren: My Grandpapa Had High Cheekbones, Like Indians Do And: I Only Mentioned My "Minority Heritage" In Directories So That I Could Make Friends With Other People With Tribal Roots
What Do You Call A Secret Held By 40 People? "Not a Secret"
Obama Administration Really Pitching Itself to Incompetent Women Needing Almost Constant State Assistance
Admin Releases Some Documents Seized in UBL Raid
Top Headline Comments 5-3-2012
Overnight Open Thread (4-2-2012)
Evening Open Thread
Liberal Silence: We Don't Need To Talk About That Despicable Idiot Who Almost Became Vice President Anymore
Elizabeth "Dances With Socialism" Warren: I Only Said I Was A Native American To Make Friends
Open Thread
Pat Condell: Hello Saudi Arabia
Catholic Bishops Ask For Civil Disobedience
Liberals: Eat It, Wingnuts. Obama's The Biggest Badass Since John Shaft.
The Leg Thrill is Back: Matthews Thinks Obama's Crass Campaign Speech Is "Shakespearean," Just Like Henry V
RNC Debuts "Social Victory Center" on Facebook
Top Headline Comments 5-2-12
Overnight Open Thread (5-1-2012) - May Day Edition
Obama Speaking Live From Afghanistan
Big Picture: The Left Is Freaking Out That ObamaCare Might Be Invalidated Because Their Dreams Require Massively Empowered Government
Obama Ad: Remember, If Any SEALs Had Been Captured Or Killed, It Would Have Been Just Horrible... For Obama
Is This Something?
Paul Krugman: We're In A Depression
Apparently You Can't Be Gay And Have a Job In A Conservative Organization: Richard Grennell Resigns, Under Pressure By Conservatives Update: Is There Any Evidence of "Uproar"?
Afghanistan Must Be A Swing State, Because Obama Just Landed There To Give A Speech Update: Will Address the Nation "Tonight" (I'm Thinking Primetime, Baby!)
The Royal "I:" The Osama bin Ladin Raid and Obama's Stolen Valor
Chris Christie: Do I Really Look Like the Vice President Type?
Five Anarchist Terrorists Arrested For Plot to Blow Up Cleveland BridgeConfirmed: At Least Two of the Bombers Are Occupy Organizers
Another Dark Knight Rises Trailer
Elizabeth Warren: I Declare I'm 1/32nd Cherokee
SEALs To Obama: We Remember The Bin Ladin Strike. We Don't Remember Seeing You There, Buddy.
Midday(ish) Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 5-1-12 Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
Recent Comments
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Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
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Josephistan :
"Because I think I would be hesitant to get involve ..."
Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison :
"261 Harris, Buttijudge, Neewsome, AOC their best c ..."
Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides