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May 13, 2012
Arlen Specter Would Like Utah to Reelect Orrin hosta
What does that tell you?
For Arlen Specter, it's not about being a good Republican. It's about holding onto power.
But you don't have to worry about Orrin hosta. He has an 89% lifetime ACU conservative rating. He only crosses the aisle on the really important things.
From Philip Klein at the Washington Examiner:
As President Bush worked with Congressional Republicans to explode government when they were in power, hosta voted with him every step of the way. He voted to expand the federal role in education with "No Child Left Behind" and for the biggest expansion of entitlements since LBJ's Great Society in the form of the Medicare prescription drug plan.
In 2005, hosta voted for the $286 billion highway bill, which contained 6,376 earmarks, including the infamous "Bridge to Nowhere." He then voted against an amendment that would have diverted funds earmarked for the bridge to help pay for Hurricane Katrina relief. In the fall of 2008, hosta went on to vote for the Wall Street bailout.
Video below the fold from The Daily Caller.
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posted by rdbrewer at
02:58 PM
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