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May 04, 2012
Shake Shake Shake, That Tip Jar
Update [rdbrewer]: This hyperlink should point straight to the PayPal Donation Page. I put it here because some people can't see the PayPal button on their browsers.
Happy Friday, Morons! Can you smell that? Our little ewok pal has run out of Axe pelt spray. It smells like sweaty marmot nuts up in here.

I call that 'my musk.' Do I make you horny, baby?
I think you all understand the dangerous nature of this situation. We need to wash and spray him down before the bears come.
So, it's that time again.
Please tap the PayPal button in the left sidebar and drop him a little subscription scratch, or click the Amazon link in the right sidebar and do your ordinary Mother's Day shopping from here, so Ace gets a little kickback.
Morons are renowned for helping each other out. Maybe in the comments we can brainstorm some good Mother's Day gifts.
Here's an idea from Slublog.
Every Mom appreciates a new pack of butt-neutralizers. Card suggestion:
"Happy Mother's Day Mom! Check your britches for bones. Please."
Another idea from Slublog. The card:
"Dear Mom, you are the sweetest lady I know. But you look so disagreeable. These anti-bitchface pads should help."

posted by Laura. at
10:42 AM
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