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We Can't Allow This Tactic To Succeed »
May 30, 2012
Hope For The Future
The summer dog days of news are here so let's go with some feel good stuff and bit of break from the daily cesspool that is politics.
A 9 year old boy gets his hands on a free trip to 9 year old paradise, Disney World, and then gave it away.
Brendan Haas created the "Soldier for a Soldier" Facebook page in February. Inspired by the story of the guy who, through a series of trades, turned a paper clip into a house, Haas started with a toy soldier and eventually traded up to $900 worth of Disney gift certificates, airfare and hotel credits.
On Memorial Day, Haas gave the trip to the family of U.S. Army Lt. Timothy Steele, a 25-year-old soldier killed in Afghanistan last year. According to NBC's WHDH-TV affiliate, Haas pulled the name of Liberty Hope Steele, the fallen soldier's now 2-year-old daughter, out of a hat, and surprised the Steele family at their Duxbury, Mass., home.
I'm thinking as soon as word of this gets to the Disney folks, young Mr. Haas will be going to Disney as well.

posted by DrewM. at
12:06 PM
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