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May 31, 2012
War on Unborn Women: Second Video Shows Planned Parenthood Staffers Explaining How To Get a Sex-Selection Abortion
And, of course, the White House opposes any law to outlaw sex-selection abortions.
I'm not sure if it makes constitutional sense, especially for federalists (or those who say they're federalists) to seek a federal law here. The principle of "But this is important!" is offered by all people seeking federal law.
"But this is important!" is, if accepted as a predicate justifying federal action, essentially a green light for untrammeled federal power. It's basically the system we've been living under for 40 years. "But this is important!" ends in ObamaCare.
That said, there is certainly no reason why a state couldn't pass a law protecting women, and there's damnsure no reason why federal tax dollars should be used to conduct a war on women.