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Cutting The Cord And Email Security
Moron Meet-Ups
Dan Rather: "I See Dead People"
Nice, "Respectable" Ace Ain't Working
Highly Nuanced, Cosmopolitan Non-Cowboy French Troops Fire Indiscriminately Into Crowd of Civilians
Not So Stealth Blue State Bashing
Newsflash: Matthew Sheppard's "Hate Murder" Is a Myth
Michael Moore on the Tonight Show
A Liberal Who Doesn't Want (Much) To Call You a "Retard" Anymore
Third Quarter GDP Revised Upwards, to 3.9%
Blogger Assignment Desk: Explain What the Hell William Safire Is Talking About
Freedom's Century: Ukraine
Democrats Suggest "Solving" Judicial-Appointments Impasse
Michael Moore on Jay Leno Tonight
What Novels Have You Read Twice?
Unavoidable Afternoon Break
You Can Tell We're Sorry By the Way We Tilt Our Heads
59% Want Roe v. Wade Upheld
Ministry of Silly Links
Drudge Radio: Rather Resigned After Preliminary Report on Forgeries
3-11, 9-11 Linked: FBI
Make Your Own "ReBrand Democrat" Flyers
Bill O'Reilly Just Won't Shut Up About the "Smear Merchants"
Blogger Arrested For Murder
Iran Government Officials Present at Terrorist Recruitment Drive
The R-Word: Realignment
Blogging From the Ukraine
Football Fans For Truth Lives!
Update: Oliver Stone's Movie Still Sucks
Sistani Opposes Delay in Iraq Elections
Constitutions Don't Make Stable Democracies; Tradition Does
President Bush Gets Into Another Scuffle
10 Iraqi Parties Demand Postponement of Elections for 6 Months
Bin Ladin "Amazed" at US Defiance
Best Thanksgiving Post Ever
USAToday Acknowledges Rather Scalp a "Coup" For Bloggers
Whoo-Hoo! Awesome! Comments Seem to Work!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Keith Olbermann's Recountdown
Fallujah Terrorists Had Enough Arms to "Rule Iraq"
Shock: Oliver Stone's Movie Sucks
War Crimes Uncovered in Fallujah; World Press Yawns
Desperate Blogger: Can Anyone Help Fix Screwed-Up Commenting Code?
So Much For European Diplomacy
Look Who Isn't Talking: Hollywood's Conspicuous Silence on the Van Gogh Slaughter
"Now the marketplace is deciding who people will read and who people will believe"
The Torch Is Passed
Rather Empty Victory
Funny Stuff
Massive Offensive Launched Against Terrorists
Rather Finished
Adam Nagourney: Still Cocooning
The Stupid Party, Redux: Congress Moving to Outlaw Skipping Past Advertisements on DVD's
Michael Moore Voted "Least Intriguing Celebrity"
Transcript of Brit Hume's Smackdown of Juan Williams
CNN: Collecting All the Dickheads In One Place
A Contrarian View of the NBA Brawl
Who's "Mainstream"?: Department Head at Columbia U. Questions Existance of Al Qaeda, OBL's Involvement in 9-11
Rather Forges On... to CNN?
Yet Another Liberal Media Type Blames "Bloggers" For the Sins of Left-Wing Bloggers
Democratic Underground: Bush Arranged Houston Jet Crash to Kill Father
Japanese Politician Breaks Taboo By Suggesting Regime Change May Come to North Korea
How Was My Weekend?
Three Must Reads From Powerline
Penguins For Christmas
Shock: Fallujah Terrorist Plays Dead, Then Opens Fire On Marines
Washington Nationals to be Renamed "Reagan Nationals"
582 Pound Hammerhead Shark Caught
The Stupid Party: GOPers Slip In Provision Allowing Congressional Staffers to View All Citizens' Tax Information
Update on Vibe Awards Stabbing
How Bush Won Ohio
"Acquired Omniscence" -- Do We Know Enough To Have Strong Opinions About the Marine Charged With Killing a Prisoner?
Annoying: SNL's Not Funny, and Now It's Ripping Off My Stuff
Pentagon Debuts New Program to Let the Troops Know You Care
Shock: UN Knew of Oil-For-Food Scam
Everyone Loves a Quarterback Willing to Throw a Block
CIA Squealer Scheuer: Bin Ladin "Great" and "Admirable"
Bloggie Awards
Pardon My Screwed-Up Site
Even the Europeans Are Starting to Get Wise
Kim's Missing Portrait-- Confirmed
Petition Calling for Exoneration of Marine
If "Diverse Opinions" Are Important for Bush's Cabinet, Why Not for the MSM & Academy?
Yet Again: Radio Host Calls Rice "Aunt Jemima"
Local Blogger Makes Good
A Western Imperialist Colonial Power Indiscriminately Fires Into a Peaceful Crowd
Bloggers Rumored to Be Selected as Time's "Persons of the Year"
Must-Read Email From a Marine in Fallujah
Okay, It Really Does Look Like a Mobile Home
Pentagon Cheers CIA Shake Up
Update on Kim Jong Ill?
Maybe You Can Take It With You
Chris Matthews: "Suppose -- hypothetically, mind you-- that America were a 'good country'"
Big Dig Blues
George W. Bush: Real Ultimate Power
Great Moments in Socialized Medicine
Chris Matthews: "Can't we negotiate with bin Ladin?"
Psychiatrists Slam Rush Limbaugh For Making Light of PEST
Bush Pardons Two Thanksgiving Turkeys
Main Attraction of Radical Hardcore Islamofascism?: Slapping Around Women
Wonder If Keith Olbermann Will Flog This Story
Daschle Says Goodbye
Andrew Sullivan Watch: Flat Tax Is Like Gay Marriage
Vincent D'Onofrio Wins Liza Manelli Award For Emotional Stability
Top Ten PETA Initiatives to Save the Fish
Dow Posts Triple-Digit Gains on Economic News
PETA: Fish are People Too
There's Hope For Me Yet
Germany Considers Requiring Muslim Sermons to be Given in German
Golden Hour: California Finally Joins In Job Growth
Net Heads: We're Biased, In the Sense That We're Too Right-Wing
Anti-French Hate Broadcasts Ended in the Ivory Coast
Chris Matthews: Terrorists "not bad guys especially, they're just people who disagree with you"
Iraqi Minister: 1,600 Terrorists Killed in Fallujah
Drama Queens: Snivelling High School Punks Want to Call for Bush's Death at Talent Show
Blogging Stewardress "Queen of Sky" Fired For Posting Sexy Pictures
Drudge Shock: Stabbing at Vibe Awards
Kim Jong-Il's Portraits Vanishing From Pyongyang
Big Scoop: Iran Planned Hit on Paul Bremer
The Liberal Media's New Best Friend: The Unelected, Liberal-Leaning Federal Bureaucracy
Senate Republicans Consider Going Nuclear; Mohammed El-Baradei Deems Nuclear Option "Peaceful"
And Broadway Wants to "Challenge" You
US Soldier "Executes" Terrorist Playing Dead
Senate Committee to Explore Porn Addiction
Hollywood Hates You
SWPeter Pan Seeks SWTinkerbell Gets a Response From the Peace-Seekers of the World
Breaking: Protestor Sets Fire to Self At White House Gates
Pentagon Successfully Tests Laser Cannon for Planned Y-Wing Fighter
Terrorist Kidnappers Releasing Hostages?
Long Knives at Langley
French Police Assist Burglar Robbing Jewelry Store
AP Photopropaganda Alert
Best Political Book of the Year?
Cheney Hospitalized For Shortness of Breath; Undergoing Cardiac Tests
Why, I Oughta Pound You...
We Won, You Lost, Get Over It
State of the Art Bang-Bang, Redux: UAV's Pummel Fallujah Terrorists
All Your Faux Intellectual Preening Are Belong to Us
Blogging Ethical Dilemma
The 60 Million Vote Man
Hate Radio: Liberals Condone "Full-Scale Civil War"
Who's Voting on Values?
Remember When the Media Was So Concerned About "Hate Radio"?
"Someone's Going to Get Killed Before This Madness Is Over"
Is Christmas Officially Illegal This Year, Or What?
In-Joke Flashback: The Guys Get Shorts
CBSNews: We Stand Behind the Forgeries, But We're Sorry About Interrupting CSI
NYT: Rightwing Blogosphere Debunks Vote-Theft Rumors Better Than MSM
Now Here's A Lavish Broadway Production For Me: Silence!: Silence of the Lambs , the Musical
Kerry Lawyers on "Fact-Finding" Mission in Ohio
Saddam Hussein Had No Connections to Terrorism
The Ultimate Buhhh-bye
Hollywood Politics Watch
Let's Be Honest: You're All Retards, and Retards Love Applebee's
US Adds 600 Iraqi Terrorists to Arafat's Hellbound Posse
Barbara Streisand's Top Ten Explanations For Kerry's Loss
Arafat's Condition Improves to Stable But Dead
Worst. Lyrics. Ever.
Ann Coulter v. Keith Olbermann
Arafat Merely "Sleeping," Claims Senior Aide
Message to Microsoft: I'm Not Selling Out to You, No Matter How Much You Offer
Fallujah Briefing
ABCNews Debunks Paranoid Leftie Ravings About "Stolen Election of 2004"
Happy Birthday, United States Marines!
Best. November. Ever.
Tish Durkin is On Frickin' Fire
Holland's 9-11: An Email from a Dutchman Who's Had Enough
Zell Miller Conflagration Update: Still Smoldering
Let's Be Honest: You're All Secret Slavery-Enthusiasts, Too
"Brave Warriors" Alert: Islamist Army Shoots Down US Plane
I Haven't seen Liberals This Upset Since They Cancelled St. Elsewhere
Update on Let's Be Honest: You're All Vicious Gay-Haters
Star Wars Episode III Trailer
I Wanna Give a Shout-Out to My Producers at Death-Jam
Hangin' Out Wit' P. Diddy
Where Does the Time Go?
Who's Mainstream? Who Only Thinks They're Mainstream?
Let's Be Honest: You're All Vicious Gay-Haters, Too
Madonna Calls For US Withdrawal From Iraq, Then Pantomimes Masturbation With a Fungo Bat
Let's Be Honest: You're Morons
WTC "Suicide Protestor:" Maybe Not
Our Scary-Important Allies, Part 5,347
Magical Emoting
Not to Tout My Wonderful Sponsors, But...
And Again: CBSNews Knows Only of Leftwing Blogs
It's Kos' Party (and They'll Cry if They Want To)
Top Ten Cool Things About the New 30,000 Pound Massive Ordnance Penetrator (MOP)
State-of-the-Art Bang-Bang*
Muslim Elementary School Bombed in the Netherlands
60 Minutes Corrects Anti-Bush Story... After the Election?
Pray For Our Boys
Finally Fallujah
In Islamist Terror-Murderin' Holland, Man Arrested for Sign Reading "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
Ace. You Have the Con.
Warming the Cockles
Let's Be Honest: The World Press Can Eat Our Shorts
Pardon Our Wardrobe Malfunction
John Kerry's Achilles Heel
Open Thread: The Campaign, The Media, The Election, & The Future
You Got Us: Kerry Won, Vote Was "Hacked"
It's Only Politics, Guys
"Back to Massachusetts" (Ace)
Return of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
An Oldie But A Goodie
Losers of Election 2004
Hoke Malokey has the Con
The Dutch Awake to Find the Murderers Already In Their House
Photoshop Bait
Soldier Survives Iraq; Is Then Assailed by Ankle-Biting Lefty Trolls
Where's My Million Dollar Bush-Won Check?
But Smug Condescension Always Sounds Better With a British Accent
Didn't Janis Joplin Say That Originally?
"Just Let Me Put My Pants On, and Then I'm Going to F--- You Up"
Weekend Guest Blogger
What's Another Word for Five Points? Oh Yeah: Mandate Three Points, But Still a Mandate
Bush Wins Iowa
Thanks, Nigel: Guardian Letter Campaign Backfires in Ohio
Dan Rather Really Did Just Hear "You're Fired:" 60 Minutes II to be Cancelled
Fever Swamped: The Idiot's Guide to Walter Cronkite's Conspiracy Theories
337,000 New Jobs Created, Most in Seven Months
Let's Be Honest: Maureen Dowd Is Less Relevant Than Adrian Zmed
Productivity Rises, Jobless Claims Plummet
The Longest War: The Islamist War on America Is Twenty-Five Years Old Today
"The Blogging Machine": The Video
Shocker Expose: John Kerry Won the Election
Arafat: Stable, But Pining for the Fjords?
Schwarzenegger: Democrats are "Losers"
The New York Times Spins a Nice Warm Coccoon
That Very Red County Map
Guiliani for AG?
The Full Dukakian Transformation
I Loves Me Some Blogads
On the Exit Poll Debacle
Lost in the Celebration: Bobby Jindal Finally Won
A couple of FAQ's
Iranians Rejoice at Bush Victory
Arafat Update
And so he was
Arafat in a Coma
Inside Joke About Polling
Obligatory Liberal Media Stories
Yasser Arafat "In Serious Condition"
As Predictable as a Half-Assed Similie
Listen... (shhhh!) to what the Pajama People say...
If At First You Don't Succeed, Just Begin Lying
The Most Important Political Victory in Fifty Years
Kerry's "Foreign Leaders": "We were just kidding!"
Germans: They're Either At Your Throats or At Your Knees
Best. Photoshop. Ever.
Daily Waste of Time: Howard Dean for DNC Chair
An Open Letter to the Mainstream Media
FAQ: Is Gloating Allowed Here?
Victory Rally
Kerry Calls Bush to Concede
Dick Morris Calls "Fraud" on Exit Polls
Senator Tom Daschle, I bid you a fond buhhh -bye
Dan Rather: "The Blogging Machine," on Orders from the White House, Will Begin Drumbeat for Kerry Concession
How Many Provisional Ballots in Ohio, Again? [RETRACTED]
"Political Websites" Call Election for Kerry, Says the UK Guardian
I'm Glad Lefty Bloggers Are Handling This Defeat With All the Sobriety and Perspective We've Come to Expect from Them
The Only Projection That Matters: Ace of Spades HQ Calls the Election
128,000 w/97% in; Lead Growing
"The Campaign Continues"
NBC Calls Ohio for Bush
Congratulate Alarming News on Colorado
Note on Ohio
Bushies Think They Will Win Most Outstanding States
Excitable Andy Speaks
CNN Analysts: Ohio "Increasingly Difficult" for John Kerry
Colorado Called for Bush!
Senior Bush Advisor: Very Confident of Ohio Win; Only Question is the Size of the Margin
NBC & ABC Call Florida For Bush!
Awesome Electoral Map, With Running Vote Tallies
CNN: High-Ranking Democrat Concedes Privately that Florida is Bush's
Florida-- Looking Good; Ohio-- Looking Reasonably Good
Excitable Andy Says a Dirty Word
Fox Happy; Everyone Else Very, Very Sad
Missouri-- Which Has Voted For the Winning Candidate Since 1952 -- Goes For Bush
CNN: Mitch Daniels Takes Indiana Governorship
Aragorn Rallies Against the Orcs?
Kristol: Exit Polls Systematically Understating Bush's Actual Level of Support?
Fox Hints on Ohio and Florida?
Kerry Holds Lead in Later Exit Polls
SC for Bush
NJ for Kerry
Body Language: Juan Williams Seems Pissy and Combative
CNN: WV for Bush!
Tonight's Schedule
William Kristol: "It may be a little early to say Virginia is too close to call"
KerrySpot Bristling With Confidence
First Projections from Fox...
Hack Attack on Conservative Blogs?
Body Language of Fox's Political Roundtable
Catholics, Hispanics Strong For Bush
Mu.Nu is Open For Business
Kerry Losing in Oregon?
Drudge: Tied in Ohio, Kerry's Lead in Florida Grows by One to +2
Election Returns!
Tips Appreciated
Okay, Now It Gets Serious
I Got Nothin'
Highest Turnout in 36 Years
Kerry's Ahead-- But, Sadly For Him, Not Ahead Enough, Given the 59-41 F/M Split
Early Exit Polls in 2000 had many omissions and contained much that was apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate
Big Bias Towards Women in Early Voting/Exit Polling?
Excitable Andy Cautions NRO to "Chill"
Make Sure You Vote!
Another Finding of the 269-269 Nightmare Scenario
Hooboy-- the Internet is Jumpin' Today
Not Good: Kerry By One in Florida
The Final Polls...
Tom Wolfe on Susan Sontag
EXIT POLLS: BUSH LEADS OHIO 49-4 Kerry ahead by four, damn it all
When the Man Comes Around
Kerry Pollster Predicts... Three Point Bush Victory?!
More Bloody Peace from the Religion of Peace (TM)
You Need to Eat Bitter to Taste Sweet*
Final Poll Round Up: Ahead in 7, Tied in 2, Behind in 2
Don't Let the Door Hit Ya Where the Good Lord Split Ya
And So This is Christmas (Politically Speaking)
Bad News from Larry Sabato: No Incumbent Has Ever Won After Being Tied in the Polls Before Election Day
Tip Thread
I Voted!
I Don't Like Sex & Candy
Voter Guide-- Addendum
Welcome to the Party, Pal
Polls, Schmolls-- It's All Psychohistory Now, Baby
Tom Wolfe-- Bush Supporter?
Optimistic State Poll Numbers
Oliver Willis, You Are Now Officially My Bitch
How Is Bill Clinton Like Yasser Arafat?
Movement Towards Kerry: Terrible Harbinger or Weekend Polling?
Ace of Spades HQ Voter Issue Guide
Ex-JAG Officer: Kerry Dishonorably Discharged
State by State, According to the Washington Post
Shock: Press Pro Kerry
Bin Ladin Offers Truce to Any State Voting for Kerry
Gallup: Tied 49-49 Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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ShainS -- The Deep State Dies in Daylight AND Dharma [/b][/i][/s][/u] :
"The stab-happy wife is now missing, and is suspect ..."
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"DEI strikes again, the fire captain was murdered b ..."
Chelsea Clinton :
"The Left has run out of ideas. Harris, Buttijudge, ..."
one hour sober :
"Delta Adds A Little Hanging Tennis Ball To End Of ..."
Captain Obvious, Laird o' the Sea, Radioactive Knight, Concertina Czar :
"I liked the story well enough but figured the whol ..."
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Paco :
"[i]264 Another is the Mazda Miata, once known as ..."
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Stinky Davis. :
""I'll harm you!"
Oooh! I'll give you such a pin ..."
Comrade Flounder, Disinformation Demon :
"Perhaps I am the only one who finds an 11-year sen ..."
Josephistan :
"Because I think I would be hesitant to get involve ..."
Intercepted DU Transmissions brought by the Intrepid AoS Liaison :
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Bloggers in Arms
Some Humorous Asides