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Who's Mainstream? Who Only Thinks They're Mainstream? »
November 09, 2004
Let's Be Honest: You're All Vicious Gay-Haters, Too
"We can deny this crap, but I'm out of the denial. I'm about reality here," Mr. Carville told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. "We are an opposition party, and as of right now, not a particularly effective one. You can't deny reality here."
He said the party is desperately in need of a compelling narrative to tell voters, rather than the "litany of issues" the party stands for now.
He said Mr. Bush and Republicans presented just such a story: "These guys had a narrative — we're going to protect you from the terrorists in Tikrit and from the homos in Hollywood. That's it," he said. "I think we could elect somebody from Beverly Hills if they had some compelling narrative to tell people about what the country is."
The only homo from Hollywood I feel I need to be protected against is Jm J. Bullock. Long story. Let's just say the affair ended badly, and he claims I still owe him for the phone bill.
But then it gets silly:
He said he is considering writing a book about what direction Democrats should go.
One possibility, he said, was to embrace a reform-oriented, anti-Washington agenda. That would require the ability of members of Congress to reject pork projects for their districts and stake the party's fortunes on fiscal discipline.
Ummmm... yeah. Okay.
Bob "0 in 8-- and counting" Shrum also thinks the main message of Bush's campaign was "Git the Gayboys:"
"Some of the stuff I read is not going to happen," Mr. Shrum said. "The Democratic Party is not going to be better at competing with the Republican Party at being anti-gay. And frankly, I wouldn't be in that party. I would leave that party."
Tell me if you've noticed this. Whenever Republicans win, the Democrats and the media are all very insistent that the public was voting on the "wrong issues."
They're claiming that the public should have voted Bush out because of Iraq. But had Iraq been going better, you can bet they'd be saying that the public should have voted on the economy. And had that been going gangbusters, they'd say we should have voted on health care, or the homeless, or, well, the homos, but in a good way.
Funny, innit it? The only time we the American public can get a great big pat on the back from our neutral and unbiased media is when we elect Democrats.