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November 17, 2004
Andrew Sullivan Watch: Flat Tax Is Like Gay Marriage
Which, of course, means it's totally awesome, and, I imagine, that if you don't support it you're like the anti-miscegenation racists of the 50's:
The political principle is equally simple: government should, as far as possible, treat all its citizens equally. Politicians often talk about equality, but they seldom live up to its core meaning. A true egalitarian doesn't believe in affirmative action, because it means the government discriminates on the basis of race. A real believer in equality opposes heterosexual-exclusive civil marriage, because it means the government discriminates on the basis of emotional/sexual orientation. And such a liberal also opposes punitive or "progressive" taxation, because it means the government discriminates on the basis of personal success.
Gay marriage-- is there anything it can't do?
I think he's in full scurry-back-the-right mode now. That bandwidth fund of his must be just about depleted.
Thanks to JimB.