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November 11, 2004
NYT: Rightwing Blogosphere Debunks Vote-Theft Rumors Better Than MSM
The words are hateful to them, but they've had to write them just the same:
In the space of seven days, an online market of dark ideas surrounding last week's presidential election took root and multiplied.
But while the widely read universe of Web logs was often blamed for the swift propagation of faulty analyses, the blogosphere, as it has come to be known, also accelerated the resolution of questions that, in an earlier age, might have lingered and fed conspiracy theories for years. Within days of the first rumors of a stolen election, in fact, the most popular theories were being proved wrong - though many were still reluctant to let them go.
So, let me get this straight.
Right wing blogs debunk fraudulent MSM stories.
Right wing blogs also debunk left-wing blog contrivances and fantasias.
Seems to me only one side is doing any debunking, and only one side is putting out false information.
Why is that, I wonder?
Meanwhile, PoliPundit wonders if lefty blogs have Rathergate envy.
Guys, it would probably help if you weren't so over-the-moon crazy. Every once in a while a really crazy, full-on-nutter thought occurs to me.
But I don't write it, see? I don't actually start up a blog cause to prove that, oh, I don't know, Hillary Clinton owes her political success to dancing with the devil at midnight.
I mean, I could probably get a few hits off that -- that I saw Goodwife Clinton donning the black robes and singing backwards-Zeppelin-lyric hymns to the Horned One, I mean -- but I just don't know if I have the actual evidence to back it up.
Maybe Joshua "Story of My Life" Marshall and like-minded lefties would do themselves a favor to stop credulously believing every hopeful story they pick up off the Internet. Believe it or not, fellas, the MSM is biased to the left-- so if not even the MSM is covering something, there may be a reason for it.
Like, it's maybe just plain batshit crazy. You know?
Meanwhile, maybe the lefties do have a reason for envy.
I never thought I'd say this -- and I don't know if I like the way it sounds -- but I'm now bigger than Michael Moore.
When you're bigger than Michael Moore, hey, you're big.
This site can now officially be categorized as "morbidly obese."