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November 03, 2004
I'm Glad Lefty Bloggers Are Handling This Defeat With All the Sobriety and Perspective We've Come to Expect from Them
"We're telling the world that we endorse the last four years, and give thumbs up to more evil." -- a Filet-O-Fish sandwich that has somehow mastered the aspects of human communication (well, the not-funny aspects, leastaways)
"This is just the beginning, not the end. Regardless of who takes that oath next January we still have a war to wage." -- a Daily Waste of Time
I should note that this idiot caveats his statement with, "We won't wage it with violence, but by building a solid foundation for a new progressive movement." But I'm a little sick of these douchebags denying that the fight against psychopathic Islamism is a "war" and then using that same term to describe political struggles within what is supposed to be a peaceful, civil democratic society.