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November 03, 2004
"Political Websites" Call Election for Kerry, Says the UK Guardian
The Guardian blares that "political websites" predict a Kerry win.
Hmmm... which websites? Why, which else? Wonkette and Slate, of course! Are there any others?
I guess not.
Here's the difference between liberals and conservatives.
Liberals so dominate the academy and the media that conservatives are forced to listen to, analyze, and respond to their arguments and claims, even if, let's face it, we'd rather just ignore them. Maybe it would be easier to ignore them, but we don't have that option.
We can't. Liberals are omnipresent in the world of ideas. Mostly bad ideas, yes, but still, they're wherever you are.
Liberals, on the other hand, can easily avoid all interaction with conservatives if they so choose-- and they do so choose, most of the time. While conservatives read the New York Times or Washington Post, liberals would never be caught reading the Washington Times or New York Post, unless as NIMH-funded research into political pathology.
They're like the ghosts in The Sixth Sense -- the only see what they want to see. If a fact or argument conflicts with their preferred vision of the world, they just ignore it. And they can ignore it, too, at least most of the time, since conservatives don't control the media or academy. We can't force them to listen, they way their media/university domination forces us to listen.
Except, you know, every two or four years.
Then they have to listen. And they're perpetually shocked by their unpleasant brushes with non-liberal reality.
So, there you go. The Guardian casts about for websites predicting the outcome of the election, and it comes across Wonkette and Slate. Not, say, NRO or anything like that.
And they're just baffled that reality didn't come out the way they'd hoped.
And so it goes. And so it will always go.