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November 17, 2004
Chris Matthews: "Can't we negotiate with bin Ladin?"
Forwarded to me by another blogger. I can't confirm this-- I didn't see the show, and I didn't record it, so I can't check until the transcript is up -- but I'm told Matthews said the following when interviewing CIA tattletale Michael Sheuer:
MATTHEWS: So we can't negotiate with this guy [bin Laden]? We have to fight him?
Yeah, guys like Matthews are really four-square for fighting the war on terrorism, aren't they?
They get righteously indignant when you suggest they want to appease and "negotiate." And yet, there you go. That's their big plan for "fighting" the war on terror-- "talking our problems out."
Update: Now the Media Research Center is on Matthews' "they're just people who disagree with you" statements.
Gee, for once I had something first. Thanks, of course, to a reader tip.