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November 19, 2004
If "Diverse Opinions" Are Important for Bush's Cabinet, Why Not for the MSM & Academy?
We all know the reason, I think.
It's the same reason why "diversity" doesn't seem so important as regards, say, an NBA basketball team. Diversity there is just a code for "need more minorities," and thus really doesn't apply to an NBA team (although they could use more Samoans, I suppose). And that's fine and all, but let's not resort to euphemism.
"Diversity of thought" always means "need more liberals." When lefty media critics whine about the absence of "alternative points of view" in the media, they're not talking about Fox and Rush Limbaugh, now are they? The "alternative voices" they mean are NPR and Pacifica radio types-- lefties. Never those on the right. Always more liberals are needed.
David Gergen, the current whiner about Bush's lack of liberals in his cabinet, never seemed bothered by Clinton's cabinet. I guess that's because he had a good sampling of both types of necessary political thought-- liberalism and left-liberalism.