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November 02, 2004
Aragorn Rallies Against the Orcs?
I can't link it all, but just go to the Corner and KerrySpot for a taste. It appears that the exit polls really might be entirely wrong -- and all too favorable to Kerry -- and that Bush might actually be cruising to relatively-comfortable wins in Ohio and Florida, with the shot of winning several upper midwest Gore states to boot.
KerrySpot says the demeanor of the whole Fox panel has changed in the last hour. Kristol and Barnes up, Juan Williams shouting Spanish curses at the sound-man.
Knock wood. Knock, knock, knock on wood, baby.
Serious Problems With Exit Polls:
From KerrySpot:
The exit polls show the national electorate at 57% female when in 2000 it was 52/48.
The President is winning men in exit polls by only 4-points. The last battleground poll this morning showed him winning men by 12 points.
H/t to "someone."