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November 02, 2004
Kristol: Exit Polls Systematically Understating Bush's Actual Level of Support?
Just like in 2000, he says that in several states this time around -- like Virginia -- the exit polls indicate a tight race, too close to call, whereas the actual votes indicate a fairly comfortable Bush win.
Food. For. Thought.
Update: Barrone: Republicans squeezing more votes out of Florida than expected
Kondracke: Exit polls predicted Kerry win in FL, 42-48, but actual county voting doesn't match up, and may suggest Bush win
Exit polls in PA ridiculous, showing 58-42 Kerry edge; Kerry will almost certainly win PA, but by smaller margin, suggesting again that exit pollsters have consistently over-sampled liberals
Which makes sense. Look, this is a liberal kind of job -- college kid, etc. -- and they sort of gravitate to each other.
But we'll have to see.
Could be a very long night, kids.
But! My Pet Jawa says the big Democratic counties in Florida haven't reported yet.
You need an awfully big cushion to absorb the huge D votes from Miami-Dade.