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November 02, 2004
Fox Hints on Ohio and Florida?
They're not calling them yet, but....
Ohio voters give Bush a 50% approval rating, 49% disapproval.
That's tight.
But last time I checked, 50% was bigger than 49%. The alligator goes right after the 50% and slaps the 49% in the mouth with its tail.
In Florida, Bush gets 55% of the Hispanic vote to Kerry's 45%.
This seems like good news to me. No? Answer: Not necessarily. Bush had wanted 60%. Answer: Yes. See update.
On the other hand: Kerry's doing very well with military familes. Bush is beating him, but not by the margin he should be beating him by.
Update-- Kristol Corrects: Bush didn't expect to win 60% of Hispanics. Last time, in 2000, he won Hispanics 50-48. So 55% is a marked improvement.