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November 29, 2004
Ministry of Silly Links
"The End of the World" -- kind of an old one, but funny if you haven't seen it, or if you haven't seen it in a while.
Pics from a Star Wars wedding. First couple of pages seem to give the impression that the only characters in Star Wars are a couple of Stormtroopers who like to pose for the camera. Later on you get more of a mix of characters, including, I think, "IG-88." And Vader, of course.
You may have heard of this: alcohol in inhalable, gaseous form. For those who just don't have all that time to down four or five shots of vodka in ten minutes.
A very detailed map of the Simpson's home town of Springfield, USA.
Not really safe for work (dirty lyrics): Lost Episode of "The Smurfs."
Gathered from The Perfect World.
Ultradork Update: An extensive website about "Victorian-age robots."
Now that's dorky.