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November 02, 2004
Body Language of Fox's Political Roundtable
...is tough to guage. I think most of them really don't know who's winning or losing. Brit seems sorta upbeat, but that might just be that he's keen for a good story. Kristol seems dour and depressed and ready to rip Bush a new one, but then, when doesn't he seem like that?
Kristol now saying if Bush loses, he lost because of his unnerving performance in his first debate. Other panelists joining in. They seem to be writing the story, "Kerry Wins; Bush Gave it Away in Debate."
Kondracke blames assumed loss on Bush's failure to use Face the Nation quote against Kerry in ad ("to not vote for the $87 billion would be reckless").
Now they're discussing the no-WMD-story as a reason for Bush's "possible" loss.
But remember: Nobody knows anything. This trick of reading bodylanguage only works in the normal election, in which the journalists have a pretty good idea of who's winning but they withhold it from the audience.
They don't necessarily know anything more than any of us at this point.
But they do sound like they're doing a postmortem on Bush.