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"Back to Massachusetts" (Ace) »
November 06, 2004
Return of the Living Dead
Richard Cohen on the Last Next New Hope for the Democrats
Look. Gore didn't give a mere petulant "you won't have my grits-laden ass to kick around anymore" speech.
He had a nervous breakdown and started giving speeches worthy of the Reichstag fire.
If the future is Gore, why not go whole hog and nominate Elliot Richardson as VP?
Speaking of "whole hog"

"Is that Gwaltney I smell?"
Ace's Update (if Hoke Doesn't Mind): I liked this from LauraW, especially for "crazybox," a new one on me.
Oh yes, a 'Southern' Democrat will save you, YOU FRI**ING IDIOTS!
This guy couldn't carry his home state!! Oh wait, no, my bad, he DID take D.C.!
And in case you haven't noticed, he's been giving passionate S.O.T.U. speeches to a congregation of headless babydolls in his basement.
They are rummaging around in the crazybox for clues. It would be funny, if it weren't also alarming...