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November 29, 2004
Michael Moore on Jay Leno Tonight
Hey, giving Leno ratings doesn't help Moore. I've got the DVR all loaded up.
I've been dying for a comedic premise for two weeks. Hopefully, the Husky Huckster will come through for me.
You know what I think would be a good show? A show about mismatched cops who at first hate each other and then become best buddies. And it would star Keith Olbermann as the fussy, kinda-gay one, and Michael Moore, as the enormously fat and unhygenic one who isn't really gay but you gotta figure he watches some really sick shit when he whacks off.
And of course they'd solve all sorts of "crimes," like the Halliburton corruption deal and the theft of Florida and Ohio. And the gimmick is that they're both a couple of douchebags who don't know a lick about detective work or research or even logical deduction, so they just sit in their Upper West Side apartments "solving" cases by reading BuzzFlash and MoveOn.org.
It would be called Internet Detectives, of course.
Jake and the Fat Man ran for several years. Why not my show?
P.S.: I think we could work in Oliver Willis too. He could be in a kind of lower-rent Lone Gunmen type group, along with Josh Marshall and Daily Kos. They'd be the exposition-bitches that Moore and Olbermann come to when the writers need to advance a plot point quickly.