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Moron Meet-Ups
Friday Night ONT [Ben]
Will Obama Play The Hillary Card? Plus: Polls Plus: Invisible Obama -- the Song
President Kick-Ass: "This Seat's Taken"
I'm Tired So Whatever Here's The Condi Rice/VP/Abortion Thing
Joe Biden, Intellect of the Democratic Party, Just a Grin With a Body Behind It, Goes Off-Script Again Himself: Kisses Female Supporter Full On The Lips
Clint Eastwood Killed, And The Media's Not Going To Be Able To Present a Counter-Narrative
Afternoon Open Thread/Quick Hits
Michael Moore: Get Used To Saying the Words "President Romney"
Romney Tours Damaged Areas in Louisiana; Obama Suddenly Remembers "Oh, Right, I'm Still President, I'm Supposed To Do Things Like That" And Follows Romney's Lead
Confused Old Man Delivers Cringe-Worthy, Meandering "Comedy Act"
Remember That Time Barack Obama Stopped The Oceans From Rising?
It's Friday.
A Look Inside A Karl Rove Pitch Meeting For American Crossroads And Other Stuff
Top Headline Comments 8-31-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-30-2012)
Thread 5: Reactions, MSNBC Hitting the Minibar, Etc.
Thread 4: The Main Event
Thread 3: Clint Eastwood At the Bottom of the Hour
Thread 2: Some Guy Is Speaking Spanish At Me And It Makes Me Scared
Starting the Final Night Live Blog (in the Comments, I Mean): Thread 1
Michigan is competitive part 1,389,351
Former Actor Jason Biggs Thinks He's Pretty Funny
I'm Not Saying I Messed My Pants Watching this Gameplay Teaser, But I'm Not Saying I Didn't
Ratings: Paul Ryan Was Seen By An Estimated 20 Million People; For Comparison, in 2008, Biden Was Watched by 24 Million, and Palin by 37 Million
Team Romney Readying a Barrage of Pro-Bain Ads
Oh, Chris
Crossroads Generation Ad: "The Poster"
What Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Need To Do Now
Gallup: Democratic Favorability Falls To Lowest Level Since The Question Was Asked Beginning in 1992
Logic Syllogisms With Fat Angry Drunk Chris Matthews: Premise 1: The GOP Keeps Mentioning "Chicago" Premise 2: "There's a Lot of Black People In Chicago"
Mitt Romney Ran In the Primaries As A Conservative, And Is Now Running In The General... As A More Ideological Conservative
Confirmed? FoxNews Says a GOP Source Tells Them Clint Eastwood Is Indeed The Mystery Speaker
Paul Ryan and the Janesville GM Plant
Ryan's Grand Slam
Top Headline Comments 8-30-12
Overnight open Thread (8-29-2012)
RNC Thread 3: Condi Rice, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan's Favorite Murder Kit
RNC Thread 2: Rob Portman, Condi Rice
RNC Thread Night Two, Thread 1: McCain
Mia Love Tops Google Searches After RNC Speech
Convention Bounce? Reuters Finds 7-point Shift...
Snap Poll: Romney's Personal Favorability Improves By Five Points Overnight
Lawrence O'Donnell Tries New Angle On MSNBC's Omnipresent "Racist" Campaign
Obama Is Officially Trying To Lose This Race
Clint F'n' Eastwood Headed To Tampa??!
Me And Mitt (And about 7,500 Legionnaires)
The Real 1%
Mid-Day Open Thread
About Those Pennsylvania Rumors
Top Headline Comments 8-29-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-28-2012)
Final Hour: Republican National Convention Thread 3: Ann Romney, Chris Christie, Murder
Republican National Convention Open Thread 2
Republican National Convention Open Thread 1
Obama States Then and Now
Sneak Peak at Ann Romney's Speech: "My Husband Is An Alien Robot Who Eats The Poor To Fuel His Radioactive Heart!"
Obama Will Be Campaigning, Harshly, Negatively, As Mega-Storm Lands in Louisiana
Thread For Counting Delegates
Dennis Miller: Give Me a Break With Sandra Fluke. She's "Moan of Arc."
Federal Judges Strike Down Texas Redistricting Plan
Your Dumb Media: "Underground Sex Club Discovered Under Whiskey Row"
Your Midday Open Thread
More Guesses At Mystery Speaker: Nancy Reagan, Colin Powell, Joe Manchin, Clint Eastwood, and... Tim Tebow
Qunnippiac: Linda McMahon Has 3-Point Edge in Connecticut
Meet the Mentally Confused Individuals Who Hold Your Political Fate In Their Dumb Little Hands
NRO: Politifact Isn't
Who Is Thursday's "Mystery Speaker"?
Discredited Pro-Obama PAC With New Ad Featuring "Small Business Owner" Who Was "Duped" by Romney (JWF)
Defense Budget Planning Adrift
Top Headline Comments 8-28-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-27-2012)
Newt To Chris Matthews: You Know, You're Kind Of A Racist
Early Evening Open Blog
Samuel L. Jackson: Why, God, Did You Spare Tampa of Your Wrath?
StarKhan Reince Priebus: No Plans To Change Convention Schedule Any Further, But "You Have To Be Nimble"
"Anarchist Milita" In Army Plotted to Overthrow Government, Capture Bases, Assassinate President; Also Murdered Another Soldier and His 17-Year-Old Girlfriend to "Cover Their Tracks"
Monday Money Reminder (Senate Races)
Former Actress Ellen Barkin Retweets Someone Wishing Hurricane Would Drown All People Who Disagree With Her; Blames Twitchy For Misrepresentation
Biden's Got a Detailed Plan For His 2016 Run For the Presidency
Longer Clip of Chris Matthews' Meltdown
Obama Memorializes Neil Armstrong, They Only Way He Knows How
Naomi Wolf Officially Makes Herself Parody-Proof With New Book, "Vagina: A New Biography"
Scott Brown: Is He Just Lucky, Or Is He The Luckiest Politician Ever?
ABCNews/WaPo Poll Has D+9 Skew, & Romney Ahead
Tropical Storm Isaac, noon EDT (tmi3rd)
The Obligatory "Chris Matthews Thinks Everything Romney Says And Does Is Racist" Post
Top Headline Comments 8-27-12
Up Late? Can't Sleep? Election Map Contest!
Overnight Open Thread (8-26-2012)
Tropical Storm Isaac (tmi3rd)
The Voters: Blame It On Bush
Harry S. Goddanged Truman, Union Buster
That's No Moon -Gaming Thread!
Sunday Morning Book Thread 08-26-2012: Books Into Movies Edition [OregonMuse]
More Riot Strategy At RNC
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
GOP To Postpone Start Of Convention
Riot Plans For RNC
BREAKING: Neil Armstrong Passes Away At Age 82
Obama Tells Another Whopper
Today In Aeronautical History
China Perfects Keynesian Stimulus
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
You Won't Have Joe Biden To Kick Around Anymore &c.: Biden Delaying Trip To Tampa, Deciding The City Can Only Handle One Catastrophe At A Time
Ummm... Anti-Obama Film "Obama 2016" Now the Country's Number One Movie?!?!
Despite The Loss of Missouri, We Could Still Draw The Inside Straight And Win the Senate
Dude Singing God Bless America Fails To Stick The Landing
I Deeply & Sincrely Apologize
Todd Akin To Announce He's Leeched, Ready, and Rested, And Enthusiastic To "Lose This Thing On Behalf of the American People"
CNN Poll of Likely Voters: Obama's Ahead (Huh?) 49-47 (MoE); But Romney's Favorables at 50%
MSNBC Reacts To Romney Joke With Restraint, Equanimity
Educational Film: "Bob Is A Racist"
Romney's Annoyed With Obama
Breaking: Martin Bashir Is Hysterical, Effeminate Prat
Open Thread
Point And Laugh At Their Stupidity
Top Headline Comments 8-24-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-23-2012)
A Conversation with Sean Bielat
AOSHQDD Early Call: Wisconsin U. S. Senate
FoxNew's First Poll of Likely Voters Puts Romney Ahead By One (MoE) Point, 45-44
Irregular Mid-Week Book Thread
Romney: I Intend To Spur The US Into An "Energy Superpower"
Obama Has Raped Median Household Income; Republicans Are Only Possible Mechanism to Shut That Down
GOP Convention Will Go On, Despite Tropical Storm Isaac
Buzzfeed: Romney's Welfare Ad Is a "Nod" To The Idea That There is a Coming "Race War," An Idea "Percolating" In Conservative Media
Makin' Deals: Republican Platform Will Call for "Gold Commission" To Consider Desirability of Gold Standard
So Unbelievable I Don't Believe It But I Guess It's Real
NYT/CBS Poll: In Ohio and Florida, Romney Holds Edge With Seniors On... Medicare
Mike Huckabee: I'm All-In For This Great Candidate Akin, and If You're Not, You're a RINO
Akin Camp: You Should Ask Claire McCaskill To Drop Out
Terrifying Threats
Chuck Todd: Mitt Romney Bears the Blame For the Firestorm over Todd Akin's Remarks
Awesomely Funny Moron
BREAKING: McCaskill up 10 pts over Akin in Missouri Poll
Another Crack in the Blue Wall
Top Headline Comments 8-23-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-22-2012)
University of Colorado Election Model Predicts... Romney Victory, & Obama Loses Almost All Swing States
Barack Obama: "You Just Can't Make Stuff Up" Obama Spokesmonster Stephanie Cutter: "I Disagree"
In Which Detective Munch Explains "Forcible Rape" To A Media Apparently Perplexed By The Term
Obama Fundraises With NBA Player Who Stars in "Stop Snitchin'" Video, Threatening Those Who "Snitch" On Drug-Dealers
Obama: Hey, I Totally Support Late-Term, Ninth-Month Abortions
Old Woman Attempts Unauthorized "Restoration" of Painting of Jesus, With... Poor Results
Akin Staying In To See If He Gets Donations
Democratic National Convention Going Anti-Akin; To Become Celebration of Abortion
Romney Drops a "Bless His Heart" On Obama
Labor Department Spends Stimulus Funds Running Ads On Olbermann, Maddow
#AOSHQDD- MuLaw Poll Wisconsin: Obama 49 Romney 46
BREAKING: 51st State Located By Obama Six, Seven or Eight More To Go
(BUMPED FOR GOODNESS)Advice to the Romney Campaign: GO BIG
Top Headline Comments 8-22-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-21-2012)
#MATH (AOSHQDD U.S. Senate Status)
Mark Levin Attacks RINOs For Attempting To Bum-Rush True Conservative Todd Akin Out of the Party
Bitter, Loathesome Witch At Coven of Hatred Denounces Name of Enemy To The End of Time
In Which, Depressed and Bored, I Post An Article About Christina Hendricks, Hoping To Get An "I'd Hit That" Thread Going
Counter-Moroning: Obama To Play For Sympathy Vote By Deploying Confused Old Dullard To Republican Convention
Poll: Romney Ahead of Obama in Texas Michigan
Real, Not Photoshopped, Picture From Reuters Encapsulates Entire Phenomenon of Obama
Ryan: You Know, I Had a Black "Sweetheart" In College
Rush on Akin
Akin, Akin supporters buy PPP BS. Time to send money to OTHER Senate races!
Potentially Positive Poll
CORRECTED PPP Numbers for Missouri
Todd Akin's Really, Really Sorry He's An Idiot
Top Headline Comments 8-21-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-20-2012)
McCaskill: Damn These Conservatives Trying to Deny Todd Akin the Nomination He's Earned Update: Akin Bails on Piers Morgan
Mark Levin: Akin Staying In Would Be a "Mistake"
Minnesota State Democratic Representative Caught Having Oral Sex With 17-Year-Old Boy In Bushes at Rest Stop, After Craigslist Hook-Up
50% of Swing-State Voters Say They Are No Better Off Than They Were in 2008; 40% Say They're Better Off
Obama's Stupid Surprise Press Conference
Akin: No, I'm Not Getting Out Update: Audio of Hannity Interview/Harrangue Added
Todd Akin Withdrawing From Missouri Senate Race?
Obama Only Ahead By 12 Points In Chicago? Update: PPP Says Romney/Ryan Is Ahead in Wisconsin
Obama Campaign Plagued By Infighting, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz
Mid-Day Open Thread
Caption This
Top Headline Comments 8-20-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-19-2012)
Romney/Ryan Ad: Our Generation's Time
Old Ironsides Sails Again
Sunday Morning Book Thread 08-19-2012 [OregonMuse]
Mitt Targets The Youth Vote
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Paul Ryan in Florida Today
More From the Preference Cascade [OregonMuse]
Jail Sentences For Pussy Riot [OregonMuse]
Preference Cascade Watch Small Business Owners Take A Stand Against Obama, Big Government
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Breaking: Bumbling Gaffe-Machine Will Head Back On The Campaign Trail
Anyone Else Going To This?
Pro-Obama Protester Spits In Romney Supporter's Face; Occupy Now Occupying... Obama Campaign Offices
Obama Ducking National Press, Because, See, They're Too Hard on Him
NOAA: Thieving Bastards
Jay Cost: Hey, You Know, Biden Didn't Just Accidentally Tell Blacks "They Gon' Put Y'All Back In Chains"
Unemployment Rises In July In 44 States, Including All Swing States
Yes, Obama Certainly Did Cut Medicare, Says Public Trustee For Medicare Fund
Mentally Confused Man Submits Incoherent Manifesto To Rolling Stone
Ryan Shirtless Photo Hits TMZ
Obama: We Could Sit Here Debating First Principles, The Future of America, and Medicare, But I'm Gonna Stick To My Comfort Zone and Demand Mitt Romney's Taxes
In Battleground States, Romney Republican Registration Effort Demolishing Obama Democratic Registration Effort
Run, Joe. Run. American Crossroads Makes Its Case For Biden
Top Headline Comments 8-17-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-16-2012)
AOSHQDD: Post-VP Announcement Map
What? Former Virginia Governor Douglas Wilder Appears As Special Guest at Paul Ryan Fundraiser?! False Alarm? Wrong Hotel?!
Romney/Ryan Gain Strength In Three Swing States
Shocker: Media Embargoes FRC Shooting
Toure Thinks Romney's Using Coded Racist Language; So Of Course The Proper Response Is To Use Completely Uncoded Racist Language
Ryan Zings Biden; Press Still Curious About "Chains;" Axelrod Refuses to Say if Biden Will Be On The Ticket
CNN Moves Wisconsin From "Lean Obama" to "Toss Up;" Rasmussen Puts Romney/Ryan One Point Ahead
No, Seriously, Romney's Running on Medicare
Good News: You Can Now Officially Steal $1 Billion From Your Customers And Avoid Proseuction, As Long As You're Hooked Up With the Self-Styled "Party of the Common Man"
White House Spokestool Jay Carney Defends Biden By Taking A Swipe At Sarah Palin
Mid-Day Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 8-16-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-15-2012)
22 Days Until Obama Can No Longer Replace Joey Bidez
V-J Day
Washington Post: Gunning Down Political Opponents Is No Big Deal, As Long As The Right People Are Getting Shot
CBS Reporters Baffled; Demand Romney Explain To Them What Precisely Is Wrong With Biden's "They Gon' Put Y'All Back In Chains"
Must Watch: Vets & Navy SEALs Rip Obama's Reckless, Politically-Motivated, Soldier-Endgangering Leaks
Democrats Starting To Realize They Might Lose The Medicare Argument?
Zogby: Romney Cracks 41% Support With Young Voters
Two Palette Cleansers
PURPLE POLL: Romney-Ryan Bounces, Leads in FL, OH, VA
NBC Confirming: FRC Gunman Carried Chick-Fil-A Swag
So Let's Talk About It: Is Biden Smart Enough To Be Vice President?
FRC Update: It's Looking Like a Politically-Motivated Hate Crime
AP: Recovery Is Weakest Since WWII
Seismic: Defying Previous Trends, Theater Majors Support Obama
BREAKING: Shooting At Family Research Council Office
Romney's Bank Reforms Would Be Good For Banks And Good For You
History Is Against Obama Winning A Second Term
Top Headline Comments 8-15-12
(Final) Primary Night Thread: FL, CT, WI, MN
Overnight Open Thread (8-14-2012)
Soledad O'Brien Needs To Just Have Sex With An Obama Lookalike So Her Fuzzy Little Head Can Concentrate on Her Job
Democrats to Debate Monitors: We Demand You Avoid Any Questions About Bowles-Simpson or Deficit Reduction
Two Polls Show Obama's Lead Narrowing In NH
Video: Obama Reads Book Written By Bill Ayers In Which He Describes Eating Dogs
Democrats Have Been Salivating About Running on MediScare. Turns Out, So Has Romney.
Obama Endorses Biden's "Chains" Claim
Soledad O'Brien Needs To Crib Her Show Research From Better Blogs
Joe Biden Suuuupppper Genius!
Politico Successfully Trolls Local DC Bars, Bus Stops And All Night Convenience Stores For Republican "Pros" Willing To Trash Ryan Pick
BREAKING - MUST CREDIT ACE OF SPADES: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Child Found
Top Headline Comments 8-14-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-13-2012)
Olympics Triumph: British History & Culture Smashingly Reduced to a Hollow Echo of Campy Kitsch
Paul Ryan Editorial In The Onion
Is Wisconsin Now In Play?
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's Insipid Talking Points Demolished by... Wolf Blitzer?!
Get In Their Faces: Leftist Hecklers Charge Stage, Punch a Volunteeer at Ryan Rally; USAToday Calls Them "Spirited"
Former Clinton Chief of Staff & Democratic Senate Candidate, and Obama's Handpicked Leader on Deficit Reduction Commission, Erskine Bowles on Paul Ryan and His Budget
Romney and Ryan Are Radicals For Promising To Do What Barack Obama Promised in 2008 and 2009
David Brock Releases 290 Page Opposition Research Dump On Ryan; Media Now Has Its Talking Points
Roger Simon: Romney/Ryan Should Refuse The Moderators Chosen for the Debates
Egypt's Mursi Cans Two Generals
Afternoon Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 8-13-12
Overnigh Open Thread (8-12-2012)
Romney One, Heckler None
Romney & Ryan on 60 Minutes Tonight
Obama's Appeal Isn't Shrinking, It's Becoming More Selective
Rasmussen Today
Rich Lowry Half-Remembers Obama Cutting $700 Billion From Medicare
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz: I Don't Know If Priorities USA Is Made Up Of Democrats UPDATE: GOP Chairman Says Obama Has "Blood On His Hands" Over Medicare Cuts
Sunday Morning Non-Book Open Thread [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Book Thread 08-12-2012: Old School Sci-Fi Edition [OregonMuse]
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Couple of Good Quotes
No Greater Love (tmi3rd)
Har, Har, Har: New Yorker Complains of Paul Ryan's Lack of "Private-Sector Experience"
Is This Something?
No, I'm Not Going to Change The Subject
Romney/Ryan Unveiling & Speeches
Real Paul Ryan News
Cool Facts About Paul Ryan
Overnight Open Thread
Random Recommendation: Batman: Under The Red Hood
Is It Ryan? National Review Writers Think They've Got Some Pretty Big Clues
Padres Organization Rejects Applicant From Job, But Offers Applicant a Slot At a Job Fair If She Pays $495; Applicant Writes Back, "I Would Like To Counter-Offer That You S*** My D***"
Sources: Huntsman To Speak at Democratic National Convention Update: Not True?
Oh, BTW, I'm Writing At the New York Daily News
Time's Douche Fareed Zakaria Plagiarizes Passage, & Apologizes; But He's Done It Before
Study: Women Receive Health Benefits By Giving Oral Sex
Spike Lee: Gee, I Guess When We Thought Of Obama As "Black Jesus" and Our "Savior," Our Expectations Might Have Been "Too High"
Red Dawn: A Trailer For a Movie That's Apparently Never Coming Out
Hoboy: Lawsuit Alleges Janet Napolitano Favored "Galpals" In Top Positions At Homeland Security, And They Harassed & Humiliated Male Colleagues
Gallup: Obama at 51% Job Disapproval
Romney Ad Attacks Obama's Character on MurderGate
Liberals Rally To Attack Romney Over Welfare Reform Ad....Lie Like A Dog About It In The Process
Top Headline Comments 8-10-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-9-2012)
Palate Cleanser: Man Takes Arthritis-Ridden Dog Into Lake Every Day, For Its Exercise
Michelle Malkin: No, Seriously, This "Obama Cancelled The Pensions of Delphi's Non-Union Workers" Story Is Important
"Thank God For The Atom Bomb" [ArthurK]
Obama: Let's Repeat The "Auto Industry Bailout Success " With Every Industry
Is This Something?
Warner Bros. and DC Want a Justice League Movie, And They Want... Ben Affleck as Director?
Even The Onion Is Goofing on Obama's Mitt Romney Murder Mystery Show
Reminder: You're Not Even Voting For Romney. You're Just Voting To Cancel Out The Votes Of... These People.
Mitt Romney Ad: Obama's Declared a War on Religion
Nancy Pelosi: The Actual Ghost of Susan B. Anthony Literally Rubbed Herself All Up On My Ass
Media Actually Bothered By Obama's Malignant Ad
The Atlantic: Hey, since Obama supporters are cool with accusing Romney of murdering a woman, is now a good time to bring up drone strikes?
Top Headline Comments 8-9-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-8-2012)
Wait a Minute: Joe Soptic's Wife Wasn't Even Diagnosed With Cancer Until 2006?
Hey, You Feel Like Paying For State Lawmakers To Jet Into Chicago For An Activist-Government Conference? Well Too Bad, You Already Paid For It
Hey, If Obama Didn't Coordinate With SuperPAC on Soptic Ad, How Come He's Wearing The Same Shirt In Each of Their Ads?
Irish Commentator On Olympics Sailing Contest Does Utmost To Disprove Stereotypes of Irish
Had Enough? Democratic Governor Brian Schweitzer Calls His Own Constituents Racist Redneck Haters
War on Women: DNC Pays Male Staffers Almost 20% More Than Female Staffers
Obama Campaign: We Don't Know The Specifics Of The Vicious Smear We Approved
Who Does This Guy Think He Is, And Where Can We Find Him?
Scott Brown Slams Elizabeth Warren's Daughter For Using Taxpayer Money To Ferry Welfare Recipients In The Polls, To Help Her Mom
Hey, Obama's Killed Almost 60,000 Americans Himself
Romney Aide: You Know, That Steelworker's Wife Would Have Had Health Care Coverage Under RomneyCare
It's Not Corporate Speech. It's HBO.
Sandy Adams (FL-07) Moneybomb
Shocking! Democratic Activist And Obama Super PAC Are Lying Scum
Top Headline Comments 8-8-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-7-2012)
Jon Lovitz: You Know, I'm Beginning To Suspect That The Self-Styled Agents of Tolerance on the Left May Not In Fact Be Very Tolerant At All
Rachel From Chick-Fil-A Now A Hot Get Sought By Every Network Newscast Oh Wait, That's Sandra Fluke; Only Fox Seems To Want Rachael
For Sandy Adams in Florida 7 (And Against John Mica)
Breaking: Shaggy, Shambling Man-Child Believes Political Expression is "Creepy"
Obama Super-PAC Ad: Mitt Romney Murdered My Wife
Byron York: How 1,099 Felons Voting Illegally In Minnesota Led To ObamaCare
Obama Officials Lied About Their Role In Terminating the Pension Benefits of Non-Union GM Employees
BuzzFeed Continues To Shoot First, Aim Later UPDATE: BuzzFeed Didn't Contact Portman's Office Before Running Story
Glenn Reynolds: Let's Raise Taxes 'Till It Hurts
South Korean Protesters Call For End To Barbaric Practice of Eating Dogs, And Yet Obama Is Silent
Brian Ross: Neo-Nazi Sikh Temple Shooter "Right Wing"
Obama Tells Fundraiser (Of Course) That Romney Wants Petraeus as VP
A Touching Moment At This Year's Democratic Convention: Jimmy Carter Will Pass The Torch Of Worst Post WWII President To Barack Obama
Barack Obama And His Gang Of Thugs Must Be Destroyed
Top Headline Comments 8-7-12
Overnight Open Thread (8-6-2012)
Fox News: Rubio To Join Romney On This Weekend's Barnstormin' Bus Tour Update: False Alarm; Other Contenders Will Be On The Bus Tour Too
Obama-Aligned Muslim Public Affairs Council Stages Press Conference Stunt Outside RNC To Attack Michelle Bachmann; No One Even Notices
More Kristol Speculation: Watch Thursday For Veep Pick
Is This Something?
Christie Under Serious Consideration For Veep?
Lindsey Graham: Reid's Just Lying About Tax Claim; John Sununu: Smear Comes Right From White House
U Mad, Bro? Obama Hates Romney Because He's Not a War Hero Or Something
Washington Post Fact-Checker Checks Fact About Obama, With Predictable Results
Sikh Temple Shooter Was "frustrated neo-Nazi who had been the leader of a racist white-power band"
Elton John: Madonna's Career Is "Over;" Looks Like a "Fairground Stripper;" "Couldn't Happen To A Bigger" See You Next Tuesday
Chick-fil-A Guy Adam Smith: I'm Sorry
Hypocrisy, & Worse: After Decrying SuperPACs as "Threat to Our Democracy," Obama's Position "Evolves" And He Partners Up With David Brock's SuperPAC
David Pliffle: Why Sure I'll Take This $100,000 From A Company That's In Bed with the Mullahs of Iran
Hey, Who's Up For A "Obama's Probably Going To Win In A Landslide" Story?
Top Headline Comments 8-6-2012
Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity Rover Lands Tonight UPDATED: Live 'Google Hangout' With AstronomersUPDATE: SUCCESS!
Overnight Open Thread (8-5-2012)
What About Your Gaffes?
BREAKING: At Least 7 Dead In Shooting At Sikh Temple in Wisconsin
Sunday Morning Book Thread 08-05-2012: Agony of Defeat Edition [OregonMuse]
Poll: Should Olympic Medalists Pay Income Taxes?
Sunday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Chick-fil-A and "Free Water"
David Plouffe: Democrats Have the Momentum
August 4, 1950: The Battle of Pusan, Korea
NBC: The Dumbest Unluckiest Network Ever
Global Warming™ Hilarity of the Week
Saturday Morning Open Thread
Overnight Open Thread
Remember This?
Viral Video Features Ice Cream, Self-Cannibalism
I Saw It On The Internet
Charity Cases: Left Wing Ford Foundation Grants Washington Post a Half Million, LA Times a Full Million
Media Blacked Out Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day
At a Hollywood Chick-fil-A, Police Called To Escort Disruptive Protestors From Premises Did I Say Disruptive Protestors? I Meant Disruptive Media
Obama Only Needs 11 Million More Jobs To Get Back To Pre-Recession Levels
EXCLUSIVE---MUST CREDIT ACE OF SPADES HQ: Harry Reid's Office Responds To Rumors That He's A Pederast
July Jobs Report: 8.3% Unemployment, 163K Jobs Added
Washington Post Snipes At Ann Romney's Extravagant $900 Shirt; Washington Post Swoons For Michelle Obama's $6,800 Jacket
Amtrak Has Lost $833 Million Over the Last Ten Years Serving Food and Beverages
Top Headline Comments 8-3-12
Obama's Failure In One Big Chart
Overnight Open Thread (8-2-2012)
An Exasperated John Boehner Says Obama's "Never Had A Real Job, For God's Sakes"
"The Five" on the Would-Be Hero of the Chic-fil-A Drive-Thru Publishes Obama's College Transcripts Correction: It's His Freshman High School Report Card Correction: It's Romney's, Not Obama's
Rush: Chic-fil-A Represents a Populist Revolt and Prelude To November
Pew uses D+19 sample,
"Purposeful," The New Dance Smash
Making Its Triumpant Return: TOTUS
Jobless Claims Rise So We're Probably Going To Have To Talk About Gun Control and Romney's Taxes and Gay Marriage All August
When Will Harry Reid Address Bona Fide Charges of Corruption and Taking Money From Jack Abramoff?
When Will Harry Reid Address The Growing Concerns About His Pederasty?
Not One More Dime
"Most Transparent Administration in History" Secret Deals Exposed
New Romney Ad: "These Hands: Virginia"
Top Headline Comments 8-2-12
BREAKING: Fire at Large Refinery in Tulsa
Would-Be Internet ***Star!!!*** Seeks To Document Hatred & Stupidity; Succeeds
Overnight Open Thread (8-1-2012)
Captain Kickass: Check Me Out Talkin' To Foreign Leaders With A Baseball Bat In Hand
Headline: Obama Authorizes Secret Support For Syrian Rebels
Study: Too Much Light & Too Much Internet At Night Can Lead To Depression, Obesity, Other Adverse Health Effects
Georgia Business Owner Not Quite Certain That He Didn't Build That
Mugged By Reality: 2008's Crop of New Voters Aren't Eager To Vote in 2012
CNN's Ratings Are Plummeting, But They've Got a Way To Fix That: They're Changing the Name of Anderson Cooper's Show From "Anderson" to "Anderson Live"
CBS MarketWatch Writer: It's a Depression, Not a Recession
Chic-Fil-A's Big Day
Elizabeth Warren: Hey, We Need To Convert Our Economy To One More Like China's
And Now Here Buttermilk The Jumping Kid
CBS/NYT Poll Teams With Quinnippiac To Produce Even Greater Democratic Skews
Pat Condell: The Ugliest Newspaper in Britain
Couple Achieves Ultimate Fantasy: Sex Inside a Wal*Mart
Mid-Day Open Thread
Top Headline Comments 8-1-12
Goof-Off: Tina Brown vs. Nichoals Cage Who's The Biggest Goof? Widgets
Now Available!The Deplorable Gourmet A Horde-sourced Cookbook [All profits go to charity]
Top Headlines
Podcast: Sefton and CBD agree about Trump's silly $5k checks, Islam is an existential evil, Ukraine is a mess, and more!
I prefer the heat. I can always wear shorts and flip-flops if it gets hot. But when it's below freezing it's not like I can just put pants on. -- Disinterested FDA Director
fraudulent journalism at CBS : 60 Minutes interviewed two people who lost their jobs as a result of DOGE overhauling USAID. Kristina Drye & Adam Dubard emoted on behalf of thousands of USAID employees who have been terminated, but neither Kristina nor Adam was actually an employee of USAID. Clever word parsing and dishonest editing conveyed otherwise. [Buck]
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Reuters reports that 'mass firings' of US government employees has begun
I just realized that Monday is President's Day. I'm going to work a half-day. I'll post stuff but probably on an 80-90 minute schedule, unless it's a big news day. This Drumpf character is wearing me out!!!
Podcast: CBD and J.J. Sefton are joined by Historian and pundit
Michael Walsh to discuss the new American psyche, Gaza, Men and Women and how they are different, and more!
Chuck Grassley
NEWS Sen Judic Cmte advanced Kash Patel's nomination to be FBI Dir 12-10
Senate floor vote comes next
Brooke Rollins was confirmed as SecAg by big margin, like 74-26 or something like that
If Trump pulls this off, he'll have an excellent chance to be snubbed for the Nobel Peace Prize! -- Posted by: Don Black
Joe Rogan:
Autism Capital
JOE ROGAN: "People are worried that Elon is going to steal everyone's money. He has $400B. Elon's not going to steal your money. That's not what he's doing. He's a super genius that has been f**ked with. When you've been f**ked with by these nitwits that hide behind 3-letter agencies, and you're dealing with one of the smartest people alive helping Donald Trump get into office and find out what corruption is really going on, you f**ked up.
You f**ked up and picked the wrong psychopath on the spectrum. He's going to hunt you down and find out what's going on, and that's good for everybody. That's how you should be looking at this, like 'Wow, we have a brilliant mind examining these really corrupt and goofy systems and bringing in a bunch of psychopath wizards."
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