« Overnight Open Thread (8-20-2012) |
Todd Akin's Really, Really Sorry He's An Idiot »
August 21, 2012
Top Headline Comments 8-21-12
Happy Tuesday.
Actually, no, I'm not that happy. I'm rather frustrated that a man that believes that women have magical "ways" to terminate pregnancies is a congressman and actually sought a Senate seat. I know public-school sex ed is a hot topic, but, folks, if parents aren't going to teach about the birds and the bees, well, somebody has to. Akin could most certainly have benefited from an explanation of just how that whole pregnancy thing happens.
I mentioned it on twitter, yesterday, but it bears repeating: Akin's convenient misconception about pregnancy gave him an easy out when it comes to abortion. He gets to take the tough line on abortion -- make it illegal in all cases -- but then sooth his guilty conscience by believing some horseshit about women having ways to nonetheless dispose of an unwanted pregnancy. It's moral cowardice, but I bet you anything Akin thinks he's a martyr.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
07:01 AM
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