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August 14, 2012
BREAKING - MUST CREDIT ACE OF SPADES: Paul Ryan's Secret Love Child Found
Well, that was a short honeymoon. Below the fold is an exclusive photo obtained by the HQ that we might as well get out there before the mainstream media gets its hands on the story.

Ok. Maybe not. You have to admit the likeness is uncanny, though. Plus, Burn The Math Witch!.
But I'm betting there will be many similar breathless stories that later get walked back like we saw yesterday with Matt Yglesias' ZOMFG!!11! Insider Trading! piece of crap (safe link to NRO's Campaign Spot - no links for the Breitbart Three*).
Geraghty also had a good piece yesterday on the utter predictability of the left.
In the coming days, weeks and months, we will see the entirety of the Democratic Party and its allies hell-bent on ensuring that those who don’t follow the news learn to hate Paul Ryan.
In the national media narrative – perhaps best illustrated by the shorthand of Jay Leno’s monologue, which presumes that the audience has the barest-bone familiarity with national figures – every Republican figure is reduced to one of three things: Old, stupid, or evil.
The portrait coming from the Left may take hold, or it may not. But one thing that is clear is that it is predictable. It is predictable because it is not based upon some revealing truth or the genuine character or ideas of Ryan; it is based upon the needs of the Democratic Party at this moment.
So, Moron Horde, what are your predictions for the most outlandish, over-the-top moves the left is going to make to try to keep King Putt in office?
* Matt Yglesias, David Frum and Matt Taibbi, who were positively giddy when they learned of Andrew's death.