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August 14, 2012
Politico Successfully Trolls Local DC Bars, Bus Stops And All Night Convenience Stores For Republican "Pros" Willing To Trash Ryan Pick
Oh noes! Teh sky is falling. So say a bunch of unidentified Republican strategists and professionals.
But Washington political chatter is a pervasive reality even when the chatterers prefer not to risk personal relationships or professional prospects by publicly second-guessing their party’s nominee. For Romney, even if he ultimately proves the doubters wrong, the skepticism among capital insiders is an obstacle as he seeks to frame a general election argument.
And that skepticism about Ryan among GOP strategists is striking.
They’re worried about inviting Medicare — usually death for Republicans — into the campaign. They’re worried it sidetracks the jobs issue. They’re worried he’ll expose the fact that Romney doesn’t have a budget plan. Most of all, they’re worried that Romney was on track to lose anyway — and now that feels all but certain.
“I think it’s a very bold choice. And an exciting and interesting pick. It’s going to elevate the campaign into a debate over big ideas. It means Romney-Ryan can run on principles and provide some real direction and vision for the Republican Party. And probably lose. Maybe big,” said former President George W. Bush senior adviser Mark McKinnon.
“Whether or not they [the Romney campaign] want to say that they have their own plan on Day One, or whatever they’re doing, it doesn’t change the reality of them having to own the Ryan plan. How is that in the wheelhouse of creating jobs?” added a GOP consultant.
Joked another: “The most popular phrase in Washington right now is: ‘I love Paul Ryan, but …’”
“This could be the defining moment of the campaign. If they win the battle to define Medicare, then I believe Romney wins the presidency. If they lose it, then they lose big in the fall,” the same strategist said, acknowledging that Romney had to choose from a flawed list of VP options.
It would be interesting to know how many of these pros didn't get hired by Romney or their paymasters weren't chosen or even considered for VP by him.
If you think the Dems and the DMM would give Pawlenty a pass on his time as Governor, flip-flops in the primary and "ObamneyCare" or Portman on his years as W's OMB Director or Rubio on his readiness or and on with anyone you can name you're fooling yourself.
The GOP can either stand for some key things and be willing to fight for them in a battle of ideas or it can constantly worry "what will the Democrats and DMM (Democratic Media Machine) say?". If it's the latter then we are giving them a hecklers veto over every Republican nomination. If our ideas can't be explained in a way that convinces a majority of Americans we are right, then we don't deserve to win an election. That's...democracy.
If the GOP isn't even willing to pretend to want to reform entitlements (and the EVILLLL Ryan Plan barely scratched the surface of our problems before it was watered down) what exactly is the point of having the GOP?
According to vast armies of unnamed GOP "pros" the party exists to provide them and their families with a comfortable living and that's about it.
It's pretty clear that politics, campaigns and public policy are far too important to be let to the professionals.

posted by DrewM. at
11:18 AM
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