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August 14, 2012
Top Headline Comments 8-14-12
Happy Tuesday.
The Tampa Bay Times is reporting that Sen. Rubio will introduce Gov. Romney at the convention, something that should provide a boost to both men. USAToday is reporting that Gov. Christie will deliver the keynote address.
Beleaguered talking head Soledad O'Brien was caught yesterday reading from the liberal blog Talking Points Memo to question a Romney surrogate about the Ryan plan.
The Obama campaign's shrill fundraising emails just got worse: "why the hell did Romney pick this guy?!?"
GIGANTIC HORROR BAILOUT: The Treasury Department now says taxpayers will lose $25.1 billion on the auto bailout, 15% more loss than it last reported.
With respect to the question of Sarah Palin, Palin's statement on the convention is ambiguous. It does not rule out any of the possibilities: (1) she was offered a spot, but turned it down; (2) she was offered a spot, but hasn't decided yet; or (3) she wasn't offered a spot. What we know for sure is that Palin expressed an interest in going and RNC Chair Reince Priebus expressed an interest in having her there. Where things broke down after that is an open question, but until we know that Palin was actually snubbed, I'm not going to get het up over it.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:51 AM
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