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August 22, 2012
Barack Obama: "You Just Can't Make Stuff Up"
Obama Spokesmonster Stephanie Cutter: "I Disagree"
"Created" more jobs than Bush-- indeed, "created" more jobs than Reagan.
First of all.
Second of all.
Total Private Employment From the Current Employment Statistics Survey (National)
What Obama likes to do is count jobs "created" from the deepest depth of the recession. But that's not how we count recovery from a recession -- we say we've recovered when we've recovered up to the previous high point.
As the collapse was still occurring when Obama took office, there was still further to fall, so Obama likes to pretend that any jobs above the lowest-of-the-low are jobs he "created."
At this point in time, Obama still hasn't "created" a single net new job. His job figures remain negative, except when you play games as far as your start period for counting them.
Both Bush and Reagan added new jobs on top of the previous high-water mark for employment. Reagan's expansion was fueled by millions and millions of such jobs.
Obama has yet to even get back to zero.
By the way, the video of Romney's "bl*ss h*s h**rt" is now up.
He's speaking vigorously, so he doesn't employ the amused smile/head cock/drawn out annunciation that makes the Racial Dog-Whistle so especially vicious.
Bless his heart.