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Washington Post: Gunning Down Political Opponents Is No Big Deal, As Long As The Right People Are Getting Shot »
August 15, 2012
CBS Reporters Baffled; Demand Romney Explain To Them What Precisely Is Wrong With Biden's "They Gon' Put Y'All Back In Chains"
They really don't know, or are pretending they don't.
Watch, open-mouthed, as they question whether it was Biden's comment that Romney planned to unshackle Wall Street that was problematic.
Um, no. That wasn't the problem so much.
They also claim -- I'm just going to say this; it's the black female reporter -- she also claims that what Biden said is that Romney's going to "put the middle class in chains."
Um, let's get that quote right, Petunia. And let's have it with the Uncle Remus accent, too.
They -- both -- don't just ask him once. They ask him over the course of several minutes. For some reason, Romney is adverse to just telling them what Biden said; perhaps he doesn't want the gotcha to come out of his own mouth (as the DNC might run an ad with Romney saying Biden's words).
But according to them, the reporters really do not understand what the problem is, and really need Romney to explain it to them in detail.
This part of the clip begins at 2:32 and continues on until 4:54.