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August 22, 2012
(BUMPED FOR GOODNESS)Advice to the Romney Campaign: GO BIG
I posted this below almost 2 months ago, urging Romney to target the light blue states and make them THE fight. You're welcome:
Romney's monetary advantage over Obama is becoming painfully obvious now.
So what next?
Well, take a page from Obama's playbook.
The Democrats in 2008 had a clear money advantage and a political one (over anger with Bush) and used that to campaign in states we should have never been in the position to defend: North Carolina, Indiana, Nebraska, Montana, North Dakota, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. We lost three of them, a district in one of them, and dragged McCain across the finish line in much of the rest.
When you have a clear, obvious advantage, be it political or monetary, use the fuck out of it.
Death by a thousand cuts. Republicans wisely competed for a hundred Democratic seats in 2010, won two thirds of them and lost the rest by only a 3 pt average. So why aren't we doing the same thing now?
The Midwest/Rust Belt is rather obvious- few are arguing anymore that Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania aren't in play. We are seeing signs of cracking in New England and the Pacific Northwest as well. Go big, Romney. If you have the millions to spare, use it in ads and on the ground game (a la what the GOP did in Wisconsin defending Walker) in these light-to-moderately blue regions. Republicans are spending money to defend Scott Brown? If we are already advertising and funneling money into GOTV in Massachusetts for him, expand it to the Presidential race as well, and use some "spillover" to help out in New Hampshire. A monetary advantage is wasted if you just target the same tired purple states. Force Obama to spend what limited resources his party has defending him in states he should be counting on, and guess what happens to those "purple" ones?
That's right.
Or, we can just pull from the same old tired playbook of trying to hit 270 without long-term goal of flipping whole regions. That's a surefire winner right there.
Go big, or go home. I don't think the latter is an option for us.
Updated 8/22/2012: You're welcome because this is exactly what he is doing now.
Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, all getting Romney money. Big time. That 2:1 cash advantage Romney will be enjoying a month from now means an aggressive, not conservative, electoral strategy. And that is a winner.