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August 23, 2012
Terrifying Threats
Daniel Sarno of Enfield, CT was caught after sending hundreds of threatening letters to the Family Institute of Connecticut, a political advocacy organization for traditional marriage. The letters were addressed to Executive Director Peter Wolfgang, who read in court:
"Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident," Wolfgang said. "In fact, it is part of a growing and disturbing intimidation campaign among some proponents of same-sex 'marriage.' It is clear that their pretense of 'tolerance' is over.
"Using death threats to stifle debate is un-American. These types of tactics won't work. The Family Institute of Connecticut will continue its work to strengthen and protect marriage, life and religious freedom."
Photo of one of Sarno's threatening letters below the fold.

Now, I don't want to downplay the situation. We always have to respond seriously to threats of political violence. And monster stickers.
Still, one might be tempted to reason that maybe political disagreement is not really the root cause of this man's bad behavior.
Under sentencing guidelines for federal judges, Sarno faces 10 to 16 months in prison, though Senior U.S. District Judge Ellen Bree Burns can impose a sentence either longer or shorter than those in the guidelines.
Burns ordered Sarno to report back to the court Jan. 3 for sentencing, and in the meantime to submit to a psychological evaluation.
I hope this sick individual gets the help, or punishment, he needs. Also, a basic course in graphic design.
Pink? Really??
Thanks to Tom M.

posted by Laura. at
01:47 PM
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