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August 03, 2012
EXCLUSIVE---MUST CREDIT ACE OF SPADES HQ: Harry Reid's Office Responds To Rumors That He's A Pederast
As you know by now, when baseless but serious charges are laid against a powerful political figure, it is the responsibility of the maligned individual to prove their innocence.
With that understanding, I requested comment from Harry Reid's office on the swirling charges that someone said they heard from someone that Harry Reid is pederast.
The email response from Reid Spokesman Adam Jentleson can only be characterized as chilling:
First, note the non-denial. Based on the rumors we've all heard, we can only conclude that at best questions of Reid's abuse remains an open question.
Second, "Cute" is not how I would describe this situation. Senator Reid has been accused by multiple unnamed figures as a serial abuser. The fact that Reid's spokesman thinks anything about this situation is "cute" is disturbing and only leads to more questions about the unreleased records that might (or might not) clear Senator Reid's name.
We will of course be following up on this explosive and developing story....for the children.
In fairness to Harry Reid, does he look like the kind of creepy old man who sees a young boy and thinks, "tasty"?
Hmmm, forget I asked.

posted by DrewM. at
12:31 PM
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