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August 27, 2012
ABCNews/WaPo Poll Has D+9 Skew, & Romney Ahead
47-46, which is MoE, of course, but that's with a D+9 skew. It's a poll of adults, though I think they restrict the head-to-head question to registered voters.
What it's not is a likely voter poll.
The Post-ABC survey highlights the dominance of the economy as an issue in the 2012 election. Seventy-two percent of voters say the president’s handling of the economy will be a “major factor” in their vote this November.
Fewer voters place great significance on other issues that have roiled the campaign, including newly minted GOP vice presidential candidate’s plan to restructure Medicare, differences between the parties on women’s issues and Romney’s handling of his tax returns.
Among registered voters, Obama has a 47/50 approve/disapprove rating on job performance. Why the Wapo even bothers to report the numbers for All Adults, I don't know. Will All Adults be voting in this election?
Gabe mentioned this in the Headlines Post, but it's pretty sweet: Michigan is now deadlocked.
Michigan is proving once gain to be a battle ground state. In the most recent poll, Romney and Obama are tied at 47% with 3% voting for someone else and 3% undecided.
Just ten days ago, Obama led Romney by 5% (49%-44%). The race was tied in Mitchell Polls conducted in June (June 18, 2012) when Obama led 47%-46% and one month ago (July 24, 2012) when Romney led 45%-44%.
The Media... is meanwhile pushing the idea that the wheels have fallen off the Romney Bus and he's in desperate need of a "reboot."
Tied in polls (really ahead), and he's the one who has to remake himself. Not The Precious, of course.