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August 17, 2012
Unemployment Rises In July In 44 States, Including All Swing States
Weakest "recovery" since the Depression. Because it's not a recovery. We're still in a depression.
In [swing] states - Nevada, Florida, Colorado, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia and Iowa - jobless rates all rose in July. Moreover, Nevada again had the highest rate in the nation at 12 percent, while Florida's 8.8 percent and Colorado's 8.3 percent were both at or above the July national rate of 8.3 percent.
Meanwhile, in North Carolina, the rate rose to 9.6 percent in July from 9.4 percent.
There are other numbers in the article but I can't quote them all.
At the New York Times, their poll analyst Nate Silver continues to claim that the economy is, in net, a plus for Obama.
By the way, "The Cycle" on MSNBC will be watched by more than the pets of the elderly for the first time today, as Dumme is coming off his "n***erization" triumph. It's on now.