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New Romney Ad: "These Hands: Virginia" »
August 02, 2012
Top Headline Comments 8-2-12
Happy Thursday.
Rich Lowry has a good column on the media's pathetic behavior during Romney's overseas trip. "Seriously, we send people to journalism school for this? Why not outsource the work to Media Matters and be done with it?"
Employees at DOD's Missile Defense Agency were warned to stop surfing porn sites and emailing sexually explicit images on their work computers.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka is trying to drum up union support (particularly among white men) for the President. He says of union members who didn't vote for Obama in 2008: "Some of this I think was pure racism."
Here's a rundown of summer flicks that are getting sequels. Short version: Snow White and the Huntsman, yes. Battleship, no. Prometheus, yes. There are others.

posted by Gabriel Malor at
06:57 AM
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