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August 02, 2012
Boston.com Publishes Obama's College Transcripts
Correction: It's His Freshman High School Report Card
Correction: It's Romney's, Not Obama's
The Vetting.
Romney took English 3, Elementary Algebra, Biology, French 1, and Art 3. He is credited in his art class for having a “real ability in painting,” but admitted that Romney is “not as industrious or as responsible as he might be.”
The rest of the report card contains similar comments about Romney’s potential to do better in class, and under additional comments, the following is written about Romney’s overall performance.
“Mitt is doing well. He is a more responsible citizen this year.”
So, there you go. You always wanted to know how Romney did in Art in his Freshman year of high school, and now you know. (B-)
Meanwhile, it remains racist to wonder about the grades earned by the nation's rara avis.
Scoop! I Just Got Obama's Transcript!!!