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August 07, 2012
A Touching Moment At This Year's Democratic Convention: Jimmy Carter Will Pass The Torch Of Worst Post WWII President To Barack Obama
With all the Democrats skipping Obama's renomination they must be desperate to fill the speaking slots.
The Democratic National Convention Committee announced Tuesday that Carter would address the convention by video on Sept. 4.
"A lifelong champion of human rights and investments in education and energy to spur economic development, President Carter will provide unique insight into President Obama’s ability to move our country forward and why we need his vision and leadership for a second term," Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, the 2012 convention chairman, said in a statement.
In a statement, Carter said that he and his wife regretted not being able to attend the convention in person.
"Rosalynn and I regret that we will be unable to be at the Democratic convention this year in Charlotte. However, we remain steadfast in our support for President Obama and the progress he will make in the next four years," Carter said.
You know what will get America's mind off Obama's economic record and charges he's indifferent at best to Israel? Jimmy Carter.
Of course Carter's appearance by video won't help with another problem Obama is going to face...no one is going to his big party.
Obama, once the biggest draw in politics, won’t likely attract crowds as large as those at the 2008 convention because voters have gone sour on the poor economy, insiders said.
“It’s always a concern about making sure there aren’t empty seats, but this is different,” said one Democratic official familiar with the convention plans.
“This is a different time than four years ago. It’s a different convention. And the president is viewed differently.”
The president will accept the party’s nomination on Sept. 6 in a Charlotte, NC, football stadium. that holds 80,000.
“They’re worried they can’t fill the stadium,” the official said.
Related Enough: I didn't think Mitt should invite Palin to speak at the RNC convention. She's a damned if you do, damned if you don't proposition. But, with the invitation to McCain to speak (a huge mistake), Romney has to invite Palin. Not doing so would be a slap in the face to a significant part of the party who loathes McCain (and at best, um, tolerates Romney) but loves her.

posted by DrewM. at
11:30 AM
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