I'm Not Saying I Messed My Pants Watching this Gameplay Teaser, But I'm Not Saying I Didn't »
August 30, 2012
Ratings: Paul Ryan Was Seen By An Estimated 20 Million People; For Comparison, in 2008, Biden Was Watched by 24 Million, and Palin by 37 Million
Ah yes. My secret unexpressed caveat about my optimism: It was a powerful, devastating, electrifying speech.
But it only has an effect if lots and lots of people saw it.
It turns out that not a lot of people saw it.
The speech was better than Palin's -- and Palin's, of course, was electrifying -- but only somewhat more than half her audience saw it.
I had expected a big Palin-sized bounce -- remember, McCain-Palin surged ahead of Obama on the strength of their convention, and her speech, in particular -- but now I don't see that happening.
The other problem, besides a tremendous speech just not reaching enough people, is that if there aren't many witnesses, the media can lie and claim whatever they like happened.
Which is what they're doing.
So, we're going to have to fight this election after all.
Bounce: Via @conartcritic, no cite, but I trust him:
Reuters 44 Romney 42 Obama. Pre convention tracker Obama was +4. 6 pt shift
Cite: This is an online tracking poll of LVs. Not a non-scientific online poll like the media does to suck traffic-hits, but usually people view this sort of polling skeptically. Not sure why.