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Overnight Open Thread (8-2-2012) »
August 02, 2012
An Exasperated John Boehner Says Obama's "Never Had A Real Job, For God's Sakes"
No, he has not. The Presidency, yes, counts as a real job; but this would be his first.
Oh he did work in that "International Business Consulting Firm," of course. I mean, that's how he described it. What it turned out to be was a low-rent newsletter.
Boehner was discussing the presidential election, and accusing President Obama's campaign team of using "over-the-top" rhetoric to distract from his economic record.
Then the Ohio lawmaker lit into the president's qualifications to discuss job creation.
"But the president has never created a job. He's never even had a real job, for God's sake," Boehner said. "And I can tell you from my dealings with him, he has no idea how the real world, that we actually live in, works."
You know who's had more real-world work experience than Obama?

As Bill Paxton says, "Then why don't you put her in charge?"
Good question. Why don't we.