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August 23, 2012
Buzzfeed: Romney's Welfare Ad Is a "Nod" To The Idea That There is a Coming "Race War," An Idea "Percolating" In Conservative Media
The entire article is ludicrously slanted, but that's just par for the course on Buzzfeed. They claim it's "nonsensical" to say Obama's order to permit states to remove the work requirement from welfare undermines the law's mandate of a work requirement for welfare.
Oh, the writer doesn't say "nonsensical" himself, of course; rather, he permits an ObamaBot to say it, with no contrasting quote -- from, say, Mickey Kaus -- to indicate it's not nonsensical at all.
In an article about a percolating "race war" -- hang on, we'll get to that in a moment -- the writer also "forgets" to mention Joe Biden's "They gon' put y'all back in chains."
But that's not the most egregious part of the article. I would permit that absurd liberal bias from the amateur webzine Buzzfeed without comment -- they just does what they does, eh?
No, here's the part where I threw the red flag:
Romney's point appeared to be a nod toward a narrative that has been percolating in conservative media for years, which suggests there's widespread "race war" going on in America — one the mainstream media is covering up, and which Obama is happily exploiting.
@buzzfeedandrew, who represents himself as the Republican in Buzzfeed's Urkel-like Did I Do That? game, piously asked me what my objection to the article was. I repeatedly informed him it was the COMING RACE WAR narrative being "percolated" by the "conservative media," and he continually dodged the point.
The article now stands as originally written, meaning that Buzzfeed has revisited this material and has decided it accords with the high (ahem) standards that amateur webzine sets for itself.
You can read the exchange here.
Oh: This same writer does have an article noting that Obama volunteers are preparing a whispering campaign directed at Romney's Mormonism.
If you click on that real fast, it won't be counted as a fresh click, so click away.
As this will be the last time this site actually links Buzzfeed, might as well check it out now. I will just get my cat pictures and celebrity gifs elsewhere.