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August 31, 2012
Joe Biden, Intellect of the Democratic Party, Just a Grin With a Body Behind It, Goes Off-Script Again Himself: Kisses Female Supporter Full On The Lips
He really thinks he's charming. And I guess he is... to stupid people.
I've made this comparison before, but both Joe Biden and Bill O'Reilly must have been told by Irish grandmothers a whole bunch of times that they had the Gift of the Blarney. Oleaginous Irish charm, that is (no offense to the Irish, nor to dagos).
But Joe Biden is just.... I don't know what to say. Guy's giving full-mouth smackers to old ladies on the campaign trail.
Clint Eastwood didn't make out with the chair.
One woman, who the pool later identified as Bev Kalmer, of Poland, Ohio, told the VP: "Welcome to Ohio." His response: "I've been waitin' all day to be here."
She said "You gotta keep the chair" to him -- a reference to Clint Eastwood's speech last night at the RNC -- and he gave her a kiss right on the lips. She swooned.