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August 30, 2012
Thread 3: Clint Eastwood At the Bottom of the Hour
Joe Biden was so moved by Mitt Romney's acts of charity that he left a breadcrust at a diner and told the waitress, "For your bambino."
Preview of Chris Matthews: Dave S. thinks he knows what Chris will say about Clint Eastwood.
You know what strikes me? You got this guy, Clint Eastwood, he gets up there and he just looks angry. He looks like an angry, old, white man. And he's speaking to a group of angry, old, white men. So it plays well in the house, but this guy is detached from the pain of those that are left out.
I start to watch this guy, the scowl on his face, and it occurs to me that his role in Gran Torino was more of a biography than anything.
He wants us to check to see how close he got. I can guarantee you right now it's pretty close.