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August 08, 2012
Hey, You Feel Like Paying For State Lawmakers To Jet Into Chicago For An Activist-Government Conference?
Well Too Bad, You Already Paid For It
Your money, their agenda.
Not only are you paying for this boondoggle as a direct, first-order matter...
But, the long-term costs for taxpayers may be even higher. Amid the receptions and social outings, there is a fair amount of work being done at the conference. There are speeches, panel discussions and working groups on every aspect of government. The problem is, though, almost all of these discussions are steered toward government doing more, rather than less. Ideas arising out of the conference are generally biased to expand the reach of government. In fact, many of these sessions are essentially how-to-guides for growing government.
Lawmakers will also meet in "committees" where, with the input of many outside interests they will decide "policies" which the organization will use to lobby Congress. Invariably this lobbying seeks to increase the flow of federal taxpayer money to state governments.
And, we pay for it. NCSL receives a significant percentage of its budget from "dues" paid by the individual states. In addition to this, the organization receives grants from the federal government, private foundations and "sponsorship" contributions from corporations and unions. (Lobbyists and union reps also pay $1,200 to attend the conference and enjoy access to the lawmakers.)
Why are we funding this? Why is it that everytime I turn around the left has managed to mulct the public fisc for yet another one of their taxpayer-financed agenda items, and no one does a damn thing about it?