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August 08, 2012
Wait a Minute: Joe Soptic's Wife Wasn't Even Diagnosed With Cancer Until 2006?
Romney left Bain in 1999.
GST was shut down in 2001.
Soptic's wife had her own health insurance through 2003.
Now, in 2006, she was diagnosed -- diagnosed! -- with very late-stage cancer.
She died 22 days after diagnosis.
Is the argument made that Romney owed this guy another seven years worth of insurance coverage?
And what good would it even have done? She wasn't even diagnosed until just over three weeks before she would die.
I have to point this out because until now I'd been assuming she was suffering with cancer for years.
I knew this ad was preposterous, but this is just too much.
I'm sorry, I'm very late on this one. I knew the story was bullshit, but I thought there must be some shred of truth to it.
I agree with the guy I linked -- I have gone from thinking Soptic is a nice guy who's just a little bit dim, to thinking he's just a union thug recruited to make up a sob story.
Oh: Here's Politico, noting the timing, via Business Insider:
But Politico's Alex Burns reported that the Soptic's wife died in 2006, four years after the plant was closed.
A 2006 story in the Kansas City Star reported the death of Ranae Soptic, a former champion roller skater: “Soptic went to the hospital for pneumonia, but doctors found signs of very advanced cancer, and she died two weeks later on June 22.”
Both Politco and Business Insider attempt to cover for Obama/PrioritiesUSA by claiming that we don't know when she developed cancer, so who knows, gee, maybe Romney really did kill her.
This is total bullshit.
How f'n' long does Politico and Business Insider carry health coverage for terminated employees? A month? Two, if they're feeling generous?